Serena Williams Is Building Schools in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya & Jamaica

by | Dec 6, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Serena Williams, one of the greatest tennis players of all time broke the internet world. Not about the sports but with her charitable works.

Yes! You heard it right, the tennis champion was working! She builds schools in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Jamaica with her charity.

Some celebrities may simply write a check towards a good cause but Queen Serena Williams is no stranger to hard work.

She recently built a new school in Jamaica.

She posted photos and videos where she enjoyed painting the school and getting her hands dirty while helping with the construction of the new school.

Serena Williams’ non-profit charity, The Serena Williams Fund is the one who helped build the school.

The mission of this charity is to help “individuals or communities affected by senseless violence, and equal access to education.” The Serena Williams Fund partnered with Helping Hands Jamaica to build the Salt Marsh Primary School. Salt Marsh Primary School is the third school Serena Williams has built. There are previous secondary schools in Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe were created by The Serena Williams Fund in partnership with Build Africa Schools. People living in Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Jamaica were very happy and will never forget Serena Williams for what she has done to their country. Serena Williams left a good mark to the heart of the people whose lives have changed through her act of kindness. Memories of Serena Williams will always stay in the school she builds for the people in Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Jamaica.

Serena Williams proved that education is very important in the life of each individual. Building schools in developing countries like is Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Jamaica is a very big help to achieve the goals of each individual and living their best possible life. Serena Williams is a great tennis player with a good heart!

This is a post from Serena a few years back

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