Race Is Absolutely A Factor With Cam Newton’s Critics Says QB Warren Moon (VIDEO)

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

Cam Newton’s dancing and perceived ego is often citied as a reason why his critics don’t say the nicest things about him but lets face it, Cam’s claims lately that the fact he is black is also a big reason for people being against him were bold but absolutely obvious.

Now, QB Warren Moon has jumped in to add to the debate and backing Cam with talk of how he faced racism back when he was playing.

He took to Russillo & Kanell on ESPN Radio and laid down some of his opinions. He said:

“You can’t have that type of hatred or dislike for someone just because they’re dancing after a touchdown. It’s gotta be much deeper than that. When you ask me that question whether race is involved, yes it is involved. We lived it, he lived it, I lived it.”

Watch the video below starting at 20:40 to hear Warren’s words….

I’m glad Cam is making noise about this issue and bringing other voices out.


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