Limbaugh’s Jealous Hissy Fit Over 2016 Congressional Omnibus Bill: “There Is No Republican Party!”

by | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion | 0 comments

An election year is coming up in 2016 and what do political talking heads and politicians do best around this ‘rock’em-sock’em robots’ time?

Throw pre-manufactured rages and fits about government spending, especially if their name is Rush Limbaugh-who, coincidentally, spends more time talking about liberals than he does defining exactly what a liberal is.

“There is no Republican Party!” Limbaugh said. “You know, we don’t even need a Republican Party if they’re gonna do this. You know, just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party, and let the Democrats run it, because that’s what’s happening anyway.”

The Republican-led Congress recently approved a year-end $1.1 trillion omnibus bill that, among other things, fully funds Planned Parenthood and has the White House declaring victory yet again on all fiscal fronts.

Limbaugh also said the same thing with regard to George W. Bush, who, on his way out of office, signed quite a few last minute very Democrat/”liberal”-leaning spending bills that made quite a few GOP leaders declare him just as much a “big fat liberal” as the rest of them.

You know, this “liberals vs conservatives, republicans vs democrats” thing is getting old, ugly, and tired, Rush.

In late 2008 and early 2009, you were considered the actual media-related talking head “leader” of the Republican Party, above and beyond anything that then-RNC Chairman and Blackman Michael Steele had to say, and you mean to say that you sat on your fat red-faced arzz and let “Mein Party” go down the tubes like this?

Sieg heil mein big fat ugly fuhrer!,” or are you going out like Adolf Hitler…a total and complete failure on all fronts, with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel?

Better go catch ’em, Rush, before they really get out of control and actually admit President Obama was born in the USA.

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