Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby Commercial Ad | Roe v. Wade AD | Liberal Ad

by | Jan 28, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

michael brooksFAM: Commercial released yesterday by the Center for Reproductive Rights in celebration of the 40th year of Roe v. Wade is generating much discussion among viewers who are largely disgusted by the presentation, one of which called the advertisement “creepy.”

The video features Mehcad Brooks of USA Network’s Necessary Roughness and HBO’s True Blood, who is sitting by the fire, holding a rose. In what first appears to be some sort of romantic message about the remembrance of one’s wedding anniversary later obviates to be a presentation in support of abortion.

“To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade we didn’t buy a ruby,” the Center for Reproductive Rights writes under the description of the video.

“Instead, the Center for Reproductive Rights asked Mehcad Brooks … to prepare a special video message just for you.”

“Oh, hey baby,” Brooks begins, smelling the rose. “What, did you think I forgot?

I didn’t forget. How could I ever forget our anniversary?”

“All these years, so many people said we’d never make it. They’ve been trying to tear us apart —take you away,” he continues in a sensual voice. “Put limits on you. On me. On us.”

Brooks then states that he will fight for his “anniversary.”

“But every time, we’ve proven ourselves stronger. An anniversary like this is not something that you forget.

No, no, no, baby. It’s something that you fight for,” he says, winking. “And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do, baby — fight.”


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