Just in Time for the Holiday Season

by | Nov 15, 2015 | Opinion | 0 comments

In a world where the same people who have no original vested interest in either Christianity or Islam consistently do everything in their power to pit one of these religions against the other, it becomes less hard to understand why the numbers of Christian believers across America are dropping, and Islam and atheism are said to be slowly but surely growing in number and strength across the North American continent.

Yeah, blame it on the devil; and you can also blame it on the rain. However…

In comes this “new and improved” Ku Klux Klan, who are said to be moving away from their declarations of faith in “white Jesus” to a worldly pirate-inspired religion that reads like something out a Marvel or DC comics storyline. On Halloween, at that.

First it was the spooked out “ghost sheets with the pointy heads,” now it’s “brass bathing suits and tin pan foil hats with big goat-butting horns sticking out of them.” OOOhhhh, scary….

Reports ThinkProgess: “On Monday, three Virginia men were charged with plotting to attack and bomb black churches and Jewish synagogues, reportedly with the goal of triggering a race war in the United States. Suspects Ronald Chaney and Robert Doyle, who FBI officials say are also plotting to kill a local jewelry dealer and rob an armored car, were outspoken white supremacists, bound by a common desire enact violence against Jews and African Americans. But documents show that the two men, and possibly accomplice Charles Halderman, also share something else: A common, peculiar faith. Doyle and Chaney, and others known and unknown to the FBI, ascribe to a white supremacy extremist version of the Asatru faith,” read the FBI’s report.”

Asatru, or Odinism, is also known as “Norse paganism,” a modern expression of an ancient, polytheistic Nordic belief system that reveres a slew of gods such as Thor.

Yes, Thor.

Considering this new faith that is cropping up amongst white supremacists, as they seem not to be the only ones turning their backs on Christianity, it is anyone’s guess how many anti-Christian Black activists are going to pop up now and say things like “Black women turned their back on their husbands and replaced them with THOR.”

For once, I’d like to hear an argument from someone about Christianity that makes sense, one that doesn’t blame Black women for ascribing to a faith that actually came from their own Black Hebrew ancestors and was twisted into prime westernized BS by the Church of Rome.

It would also be refreshing to hear an educated and meaningful debate about the Black Hebrew man from Jerusalem who called Himself The Son of God, and who was not, at any time during His short life on Earth, called “Jesus,” regardless of how many Black women people will fight you over that name that is not a name, but a curse word in Latin.

[Note: They used to fight us over the fact that The Messiah was proven to be a Black man, too; but that argument died under the refiner’s fire of some decades ago when white people couldn’t even deny it any more. Once that became a “non-arguable fact,” they began to refer to the Christ as an ‘olive-skinned Mediterranean’ man, instead of just confessing that when He lived on this Earth, He was truly a Black man.]

Maybe some Black women do move their husbands (or man, or boyfriend, or significant other) to the side for the notion of the “Jesus Man”; but truth told, He is the Only One, whether seen or unseen, who bothers to listen to Black women — whether they are singing, drizzling poetry, praying, screaming and shouting, or simply lashing out at someone in anger with a few ‘choice’ words that they later wish they could take back. Sometimes, a Black woman’s LOUD voice is all she has left to protect her, whether her face is to the wall calling on “Jesus,” or her tongue is whipping someone’s ‘hard-head-soft-behind’ into righteous submission.

Again, those who would like to take a Romanesque “Jesus-stick” and use it to beat up on Black women -whose faith has consistently clung to The Only One who Listens to us most of the time, need to consider this sudden change of heart of the sons and grandsons and descendants of the alleged biggest all-time pushers of “D. White Mann’s” religion.

God might be trying to tell you something.

For one final time: Christmas has nothing to do with Christ, and “Christianity” never belonged to any “white man.” Christianity was a Black and very Hebrew religion from Day One coming out of Jerusalem through Antioch, Greece, and eventually into Rome. It is a Black Hebrew religion (an outgrowth or faction of Judaism) that began even before Paul the Apostle was alleged to have “founded” the Church of Rome. (Hint: Paul -a Jew who grew up in Rome, and was, therefore, a Black man himself- was not the founder of the Roman Catholic Church and was most definitively no “saint,” and said so himself.)


Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition … – II Thess. 2:3

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