Former North Carolina Cop Sentenced to Serve 20 Years for Fatally Shooting Black Man

by | Dec 7, 2017 | News | 0 comments

So many black men have been unlawfully killed by law enforcement and officers are rarely convicted in court. Even those who are caught on camera blatantly committing murder get off. Finally justice has been served for the family of Walter Scott.

Below is a video of Walter Scott being shot in the back by former cop Michael Slager, you even see Slager attempt to plant a gun on Mr. Scott:


What started as simple traffic stop, turned into the last time Scott would ever see his family again.

Finally an officer will have to pay the consequences for his actions.

Former North Carolina cop Michael Slager has been sentenced to serve 20 years in prison for murdering Scott. There is no clarity as to whether he will serve his time in a federal or state prison but he has been convicted.

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