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Florida is BANNING Black Math related materials, they want to CANCEL our greatness! | Urban Intellectuals

Florida is BANNING Black Math related materials, they want to CANCEL our greatness!

by | Apr 23, 2022 | A List Categories | 0 comments

This is very very disturbing and is only strengthening our resolve for the need for the Black Math Genius movement!

In an article from the UK’s Guardian it stated

Education officials in Florida have been criticized for putting “political theater” over teaching after they revealed four examples from among the 54 math textbooks they rejected last week.

The state said it had refused to use the books because of “prohibited topics” including alleged references to critical race theory.

On Friday, however, after pressure to explain the decisions, the education department published several images of math problems from the textbook with the offending segments highlighted.

In one example, a colored graph features levels of “racial prejudice” by age. Another example, under the heading “adding and subjecting polynomials”, begins with the words: “What?

Me? Racist?” and uses the statistical results of a common survey about unconscious bias as an example for a set of mathematics problems.

Images of math problems from the textbook with the offending segments highlighted. Photograph: Florida Department of Education

They are also targeting social-emotional learning and more…. This is beyond crazy but highlights the importance of supporting your child’s learning in the home environment.

Our brothers and sisters in Florida are about to go into an educational dark age where a bad situation gets even worse.

Our young ones already struggle to see themselves represented in math and this will be a final nail in the coffin for the education system.

BUT we know we can counter this by teaching the truth, the greatness of the contributions of Black History to Math! Our children need to know the oldest mathematical device known is from Africa and thought to have been invented by women to track their cycles, they have to know that Pythagoras’s theory was well in use throughout Egypt…. The Greeks sat at the feet of Africans!

This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we bind together. One way to do this is to ensure EVERY parent of a Black child in Florida gets ahead of this curve, joining the 5 Day Ignite Your Child’s Black Math Genius Challenge is the perfect way to help! It starts May 2nd and will be changing the narrative and the future of our children by giving clear and actionable guidance for parents to ensure their children know their greatness, fall in love with math and see how in every day life math will shape their future!


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