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#CrimingWhileWhite Hashtag Exposes Police Racial Injustice | Urban Intellectuals

#CrimingWhileWhite Hashtag Exposes Police Racial Injustice

by | Dec 5, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Twitter is known for creating interesting, engaging and authentic conversations around social issues in using their now infamous hashtags. The Eric Garner cop killers Grand Jury decision not to indict erupted a new one, #CrimingWhileWhite.

What makes this hashtag and movement so different is it doesn’t bang the drum of racial discrimination by pointing out the trials and tribulations of people of color in this country and world, but focuses the lens on white privilege instead.

police_videoWhite people took to the social networking platform to express how they have committed crimes in their past only to be ignored by the police departed, assisted out of their stupidity or have their case dismissed by a judge sympathetic to young, white people. You know, doing the things police, judges do to young people who do something against the law, like give them another chance instead of sentencing them to the maximum and ruining the rest of their lives.


The #CrimingWhileWhite hashtag is brilliant because this isn’t black people “whining” about racial injustice. It is white people pointing out real life cases and situations where they have beat the system simply because they are white and their testimonies are irrefutable.

The #CrimingWhileWhite hashtag is brilliant because this isn’t black people “whining” about racial injustice. It is white people pointing out real life cases and situations where they have beat the system simply because they are white and their testimonies are irrefutable.

Let me say, the black community reading these tweets and situations are absolutely stupefied because it s rare that we have stories like this. Instead, we have stories of having dope planted on us, being beat, harrassed by the police, or having the judicial system come down on us like a ton of bricks.

But don’t take my word for it, read someone of the tweets for yourself here, #CrimingWhileWhite.


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