by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | News, Positivity
Anthony Bourdain’s Houston stop off for his Parts Unknown series was a huge hit. The way it showed Houston, in a way not normally depicted on TV was praised and people thought it was genuinely one of the best yet. Bordain was the reason this episode was so good....
by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | News
Well….. The comeback was a history maker and no other than Lebron himself led the charge. buy flomax online no prescription pharmacy Watch and be amazed if you didn’t see this...
by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | Celebrities, News
Snoop was absolutely on point with his attack against Bill O’Reilly and a call to “Humiliate This Motherf*cker” just the same way Cosby was. Watch...
by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | News
So a manicurist of sorts can earn up to $500 a day in California and if states keep up the wave of marijuana legalizations maybe your state will have such opportunities! The job may be tedious but you basically get to sit there trimming marijuana all day and it pays...
by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | News
Grand Rapids Police stop five unarmed black boys at gunpoint. The five boys were aged 12 to 14 and had reportedly just left the Salvation Army Kroc Center at 2500 S. Division Ave on Friday, March 24, where they were playing basketball. Who knows why the police thought...
by Forest Parks | Apr 24, 2017 | Celebrities, News
Nicki Minaj snapped on stage and went on a little bit of a tirade against weak n*ggas! What do you think of her outburst? Watch below:
by Candace | Apr 20, 2017 | Celebrities
Why was Bill Cosby dragged and humiliated for his sexual assault allegations but Bill O’Reilly was not? Are we going to see a special on ABC with all of O’Reilly’s accusers describing how sick O’Reilly really is? Will he have to be humiliated on every news outlet in...
by Candace | Apr 20, 2017 | Celebrities
Some people name their dogs after celebrities, right? No big deal, right? They usually name their rough and tough Boxer or Rottweiler Rocky after Sylvester Stallone’s character. They’ll name their cute little Yorkie, Marilyn after Marilyn Monroe. But how would...
by Krystal | Apr 19, 2017 | News, Politics News
During a private conversation, Senator Frank Artiles of Miami targeted his racial and gender-based remarks at Senators Audrey Gibson and Perry Thurston who he was having drinks with at the Governor’s Club in Tallahassee. Artiles began his rant by suggesting...
by Randall Barnes | Apr 19, 2017 | A List Categories, News
As April rolls along, the debauchery continues. ESPN broke this morning that former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his prison cell. It’s reported that he committed suicide by hanging himself. This came a day after he was acquitted of...