Ben Carson: “Republicans have this mental disorder…”

by | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion | 0 comments

Another Black Republican bit the dust this week and doesn’t realize it yet, or just simply doesn’t care:

Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson to a crowd of roughly 100 people at a Las Vegas Italian restaurant:

“Republicans have this mental disorder sometimes that says, ‘A person doesn’t agree with me 100%, I’m not with them, I’m going to go and sit down.’” He goes on to say “You know, I believe that was a disease that was implanted by the Democrats. That’s what they want you to do. As long as you feel that way they’ve got it, they’ve got it in the bag.”

That’s a direct quote; which means
(a) Ben Carson apparently has some type of lag in his ability to connect his thoughts to his sentence structures, or his pronunciations.
(b) Ben Carson cancelled a planned trip to Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, and Israel after receiving alerts from the Secret Service regarding security concerns.
(c) Ben Carson apparently has some type of lag in his ability to connect his foreign policy belief systems to said security concerns.

According to CNN “The trip’s cancellation comes amid heightened scrutiny of Carson’s foreign policy credentials, after he has made a number of embarrassing gaffes including repeatedly mispronouncing Hamas, a Palestinian group classified by the State Department as a terrorist organization, in a speech before Jewish Republicans.”

“A number of embarrassing gaffes, INCLUDING repeatedly mispronouncing Hamas…”

Besides the obvious, like how well and deeply the media made a point about his not being an “articulate Black man,” let’s take a look at why he would acknowledge that certain Republicans don’t appreciate less than 100-percent agreement with everything they say and do and call it a mental disorder; then in the same lingua, turn around and blame that Republican mental disorder on … YOU GUESSED IT! Boom: “Democrats”.

Really, Dr Ben? F’ing WOW. And the obligatory “LOL.”

What he really said, without reading from lectern notes and refusing to make eye contact with his audience this time (besides telling us that he could really use a brush-up course on some old school public speaking skills), is that he actually suffers from some type of neurological mental disorder himself.

It is called “blameademocratitis,” and it means “when one Republican admits other Republicans have mental disorders, blame the Democrats.”

In the meantime, see if you can make any sense of “Ben Carson On the Issues,” the other issues, that is.

Dr. Ben, you claim to be a Christian. Did you know that the influx of Christianity is listed as one of the top 10 reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire? You insinuate then, that Christianity is also the principal cause of moral failure in America.

Dr. Ben, you claim to be a Christian. Did you know that the influx of Christianity is listed as one of the top 10 reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire? You insinuate then, that Christianity is also the principal cause of moral failure in America.

It’s pretty obvious that Dr. Ben’s most recent overseas campaign wasn’t cancelled over security concerns, it was cancelled because he doesn’t have a clue what the holy hayell he’s talking about … on ANY topic whatsoever, let alone on foreign policy.

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