by Reneegede | Jan 2, 2016 | Opinion
Does anything else need to be said about racist krakkas in the United States? This is truly just their filthy way of saying “all niggers look alike to us. buy zovirax online no prescription pharmacy...
by Reneegede | Dec 29, 2015 | Opinion
GOING GLOBAL “Black America UNCHAINED from America”, sponsored by the King’s Town Family Foundation A report came out of the Independent in the UK on Sunday that Chinese trade industries have ripped off the Ghanaian textile trade and are bringing in...
by Reneegede | Dec 29, 2015 | Opinion
Following a grand jury’s failure to indict officers Tim Loehmann and Frank Garmback in the fatal shooting of twelve-year old Tamir Rice, his mother Samaria Rice has issued a statement. Rice’s full remarks are as follows: “My family and I are in pain and devastated by...
by Reneegede | Dec 28, 2015 | Opinion
Tamir Rice family releases statement about officers not being charged in Tamir’s death The family of Tamir Rice released the following statement about today’s announcement that a grand jury has declined to press charges against the officers involved in the...
by Reneegede | Dec 19, 2015 | Opinion
Body, soul, spirit, and mind. Those are the four dimensions of human existence on which we are said to connect to everything and everyone else in the universe. Body, of course, meaning physical contact; soul meaning the physical emotions we display as a direct result...
by Reneegede | Dec 19, 2015 | Opinion
Hello? Is anybody home? Pr’olly not. President Obama is riding the crested wave of his last term in office and it appears, by all seen and heard, that we’ve forgotten many of the main things that got him elected to office, including the largest US fiscal...
by Reneegede | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion
An election year is coming up in 2016 and what do political talking heads and politicians do best around this ‘rock’em-sock’em robots’ time? Throw pre-manufactured rages and fits about government spending, especially if their name is Rush...
by Reneegede | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion
As President Obama presses for an overhaul of criminal justice laws in order to reverse many decades of steep penalties that pack the nation’s prisons and jails–most of which disproportionately affect African-American and Hispanic men–he states that the...
by Reneegede | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion
Another Black Republican bit the dust this week and doesn’t realize it yet, or just simply doesn’t care: Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson to a crowd of roughly 100 people at a Las Vegas Italian restaurant: “Republicans have this mental disorder...
by Reneegede | Dec 18, 2015 | Opinion
Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has been “temporarily suspended” after Sanders national data director, Josh Uretsky, who was recently fired; and one staffer is known to have accessed and/or viewed the voter files of Hillary Clinton. This is a direct...