U.N.I.T.Yeah, Not Just Yet.

U.N.I.T.Yeah, Not Just Yet.

The buzzword amongst us intellectuals is “UNITY”. “We need to unify!” The understanding is that we cannot move forward as a people until we unite as a people. The main function of unifying being proposed is through economics, by combining our...
The Independent Woman Movement Revisited Pt. I

The Independent Woman Movement Revisited Pt. I

It’s been 14 years since the release of the song “Independent Women Pt. I” by Destiny’s Child from the Charlie’s Angels Soundtrack. To refresh our memories, the lyrics from the first stanza go a little something like this:   “Question, Tell me what you think about me...
Why You Gotta Be So Deep?

Why You Gotta Be So Deep?

“Why you gotta be so deep all the time?” A question I have experienced time and time again throughout my life, specifically from my Black brothers and sisters. I was an inquisitive child who grew into an even more inquisitive adult, always seeking answers to questions...