Cotton Be Gone! America is Officially Out of Love with Working Black Americans

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Last count, there was a tad more than 40 million [confessed] Black people living in America.

My official “nose count” has that number at slightly more than 100 million, but out of those who don’t gloss over Blackness in favor of the words “multi-racial,” “cross-cultural,” and “biracial,” the stats now have mostly Black American men rated at more than 50-percent unemployment in what used to be thriving “urban meccas” for Black people to go to and find work. Places like Detroit, Buffalo, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Chicago, et al, are trending the hard stats are when it comes to the unemployment rates of Black males, be they degreed or not.

Integration, while we are living in a very white and racist America, has been the bane of our Black existence since our ancestors first touched this soil in slave garb.

The questions of the Civil Rights Movements of the 1800s and the 1960s remain majorly unanswered. What have we really done to overcome, besides …

  • Get angry at the wrong thing for the wrong reasons after it’s way too late to fix something that went awry.
  • Pay attention to what we should not, and not pay attention to what we should.
  • Become easily distracted by reality TV, the wrong kinds of celebrities to model and pattern after, and social media “bling-gone-viral” in the hands of those who mercilessly target Black Americans for ridicule in every corner of Internet and digital media technology.
  • March, picket, and threaten to boycott in such a season when we (a people once on the verge of the “promised land”), have rolled over and given so much, given in and given up so much, that nobody cares how loud we yell or how many protest signs we hold up, it’s all a “welfare-mongering ruse and snorefest” around the world as far as everyone else is concerned.
  • Failed to adjust ourselves against the same upsets that destroyed Black people from the outset. We actually believed that we were circumstantially ‘integrated’ into the “Greater Thous” of society when it never happened.
  • Prayed to some very foreign gods of white people’s making who obviously is not listening and cares as much about us as we care about ourselves.
  • Actually had the audacity to believe that Barack H. Obama Jr., an African-American man directly connected to his own African roots (born to a white American woman and an African man whose ancestors likely sold our own into slavery), was coming to rescue Black America from the egregious shortcomings of our own lack of due diligence?

By now, we should be well aware of the concerted efforts of that insidious faction of white America that works almost effortlessly day on end to sabotage and destroy the at-large Black community. Via integration and assimilation, they send us the larger message that we will never be a part of what they consider to be “patriotic America,” no matter what we do, right or wrong. Black Americans should also also be painfully aware of the fabled “W.E.B. DuBois Talented Tenth,” the ones who were supposed to pick up the latent torch of Israel Hill, the Civil Rights Movements, and the Moses Generation to carry the “Joshua Generation” over the top–they who failed to do so.

Those who sat in positions of honor with white Presidents now sit on the couch corner of President Obama’s ears. They are our elected Black representatives, and yet it is obvious that they have relayed to him that we are not worth the time, energy, effort, or trouble to do anything more than throw us a “program bone”, as white Presidents have done before him.

There are many Black Americans who have blamed Obama for the Republican Party’s destructive tactics and over-reaching access to us; but overlooked, at the same time, are those who represent us only by representing themselves to the President ‘as’ us.

Yet and still, we shall have our more desired Romney/Palinesque-types in the White House soon enough–and that, right along with the endless onslaught of racism coming fully from the white right hand- in- hand with the high-minded Black left.

The Black folk who often also see themselves as “evangelical Christians” of the Greco-Roman kind will never care to see or acknowledge the activity for what it really is. It’s not happening to them or to theirs, and it has nothing to do with them working any harder than the rest of us. They are bypassed because they do what they have to do to keep their own personal lines of influence intact, just in case Jeb Bush actually does graze in and pick up where his brother left off in the early 2000s.

I’m nearly certain that on the flip side of this argument, the Highly-Degreed-and-Ceremoniously-Titled amongst us would love to give this latest anti-Black phenomena a very therapeutic and sterile treatment.

Numbers and stats get tossed around, some cotton-pickin’ platitudes about who we are as a people and about our history come out of them from time to time, around February of every year; and then there is a jolly good attempt to coin flat phrases and rubber-stamp what “we” must do if we are to be truly “saved,” i.e., redeemed, from all of this ludicrous and overwhelming injustice, lust-mongering pride, and racially insensitive hatred.

I am the medium between these two adverse worlds. I’ve had it all, and I’ve had nothing AT all. I’ve had and had not.

I’ve seen the Black of it, the white of it, the up of it, the down of it, the poverty of it, the richness of it, the religion of it, and the sacrilegious piece of it, the truth and the lies of it all. I’ve been strategically positioned to be unapologetically UNafraid to say what others fear to talk about. I’ve seen both sides of a long-running conversation that most Black people may never come to know, and all I know is that you’ll have to ask the Good Lord why me(?).

Here’s what’s up, on introspection:

True enough, there is no more cotton for us to pick, but it’s been gone for a very long time and it’s not coming back.

Hispanics, mostly, are picking the cotton now…and the tobacco, and everything else we won’t pick any more; but at least they’re being paid to do it. And we are grateful for that, because we still love our veggies, our chicken, our other meats, our fruits, our cigarettes/cigars, and our pure cotton wearables and blended fabrics lingerie.

Besides that, there are very few, if any, Black people left in this nation who are running each other down trying to get back on a farm or plantation no matter how much it pays. Our ancestors have been there, done that, gotten the hypothetical t-shirt, the battle wounds and scars, and plenty of memorabilia, along with boatloads of dead relatives who never got a penny for their work; and a lot of destroyed lives, both then and now, to prove it.

What we did not take from that general core experience is the mentality of “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.”

The Audacity

The Audacity

Black people -those whose ancestors founded the cornerstone of America- fed America for free and then were run off their own land with shotguns and a boatload of lies about their origins when they attempted to sit down at the tables that they built and to partake of their own labor and harvest. Even when served last, they were not “good enough” to eat of their own work.

Then, to drive the nail of economic disenfranchisement home, white America went into overdrive to make, create and produce another “lot” of slaves, made of people and things, who would do the work for those who have never cared to work for themselves.

Call this nouveau slave labor inmates, ex-cons, modern-day slaveryillegal immigrants/aliens, minimum-wage workers, high-tech robots, or what have you, it all comes out the same in the financial and economic wash.

Then there are those of us to be considered in this historic tale, who “carried” Black America for more than forty years on our own backs.

And lest you think that they are giving us any “work-love credit” when they skip over the plantations and head straight to the “lazy Black people” on the welfare rolls, let it be known that they seldom give a passing backward glance to those who bridged the economic gulf of Black America from one end to the other.

By working at menial blue-collar slave-wage industrial and mechanicsmen jobs and putting mostly Black women in air-conditioned offices as glorified and highly underpaid secretaries and assistants, we are not yet exempted from racist activity. We grew up in offices instead of on farms, but we are still not on “safe ground” now that we are grandparents, custodial parents, and are at or coming close to retirement age.

We are still considered as “welfare tax rats,” even after thirty to forty years (or more) of working nearly as hard as farm mules and paying billions into a taxation system that situationally and circumstantially should have been paying us reparations.

My readers should know by now that I give nothing whatsoever the “sterile white-glove” treatment when it comes to being politically correct.

I am not the one to write high-minded diatribes about integration, assimilation, or to pretend that our problems are easily resolved by “getting with the program.”

That would be something like what is known as an outright lie.

The Scriptures, for those of us who believe it, tell us that we are not inheritors nor partakers in that which was not given to us by God, but was tossed at us out of hatred and vice only by those who stole from God and set themselves out to the world as gods in order to take His place in our minds and hearts and souls.

There is a final answer to these matters either way this goes.

For everyone, to those who believe and even to those who do not believe, the systemic “fixes” to our long-term socio-economic problems are obvious and apparent.

We will, I will, once again, repeat them for those who did not get it the first, second, third, or umpteen-millionth time:

  • Rebuild the Black family and its communities and substance. We had more of that which was good for us and about us before the sacrilegious assimilation of white supremacy happened. Until we “segregate righteously” by standing together, not based on race, but because we are, in fact, the Chosen Ones of Israel; and until we do what we are supposed to do, Judah will continue to languish, stumble, and falter in this -our own birthland- which is filled to the brim with strangers and foreigners in the eyes of God.
  • Restore that which was taken from us. Beginning with the foundation and root of our troubles in the cornerstone of America and going to every place where we, the Remnant, were dispersed to the Four Corners of the Earth. Pray, yes; but even so, move your feet as you pray. The Lord God shall make the Truth known. He will provide because it was His intention to do so from the very Beginning of time. We don’t need to make childish demands on God like children–stamping our feet and throwing temper tantrums to demand that He make good on His promises. It was His Good Will, His Good Pleasure, and His Unfailing Promise to our natural seed father Abraham. He will fulfill that Covenant as promised; and not because He has to, but because that is His desire for us. It always was, it always will be until it is done.
  • Control the negative media images that mold our Black children. Our African political and Mesopotamian and ancient Persian geo-political cultures demand that we control it. This is not for the purpose of binding us from our so-called “American freedoms,” but to free us from the vice grip of the enemies within and those without. Now that we understand the global concept of world dominance (some call it the “illuminati spirit”) and now that we know it is not ‘just our imagination’, and that we are not paranoid or making it all up, we also have to come to a place of understanding that God will only allow to happen to us what we allow to happen to us. Media images are something that we can control, one way or the other. The Lord did not stutter, and America is now under total condemnation for what it has done to Judah’s and Israel’s children in this land.
  • Re-educate ourselves to be more globally-minded and sophisticated. As far as the educational and economic systems of the Greater Society is concerned, we have no need to go through the antiquated steps of corporate America for our ultimate redemption. As we bypass that noise, which was not made for us, we acknowledge and ‘innerstand’ that our ancestors, from the antiquities, originated the very things that the Enemy has used to control us, even as they simultaneously bent us to fit into their mold and to bow to their own deceptive will rather than God’s. We already have instilled within us by inheritance that which they are still trying to learn. We no longer have anything to prove -not to them or to anyone else- especially not if we insist on seeing the world for what it really is. It is written and it is done, in the name of our conquering and redeeming Savior and Lord.
  • Control our economic and financial substance. We are learning to develop and master our entrepreneurial events and business management by trial and error. We don’t have much of a choice about it. While in the process of undoing the damage that was done, our way, let us also understand that those who intended to belittle and degrade us will never give up the luxury of having been enriched by our faults and defaults. It ain’t gonna happen, so don’t even bother to “hope for that change.”
  • Become adept at finance and accounting based on the mathematical systems of our Arabic, Egyptian and Judaic/Israeli ancestors.
  • Become the hiring partners and manufacturers of our own people’s ingenuity and labor. Not because we are constricted by the racial factors that were put upon us by others, but because we are in a dire need to surpass and circumvent the unrighteousness of the Enemy’s onslaught against us, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
  • Learn to “save and invest with purpose.” Our intent should never be as that of the European pirates who came only to steal, kill, conquer and destroy that which did not belong to them from the start. We were taught erroneously by Greco-Romans and Gentiles who did not receive or inherit the Promises of God through Abraham (the Abrahamic Covenant). And we must teach that same economic independent thrift to our descendants justly and rightly in order to cauterize the ‘bleeder vein’ out of our communities. Welfare dependency is not our gravest earthly problem. We only reached nearly 40-percent of the welfare rolls during the latter Bush Administration; before that, we were far less than 30-percent of the rolls (18 to 28-percent at most) nationwide. Our ancestors earned our right to be on welfare, those of us who are, to the tune of an unpaid $777 trillion in reparations and now climbing higher than Mount Everest. This “save and invest with purpose” has to do solely with priorities and the proper use of our economic substance as a people. No matter how rich or poor we are, we need to think “proper wealth positioning,” not the amount of wealth. Though I am an advocate of increase to the minimum wage that is realistic about the cost of living, there will never be “enough” to live on, so even though the weights and measures of society are unjustly meted, the ‘poor we will have with us always.’ [Deut. 15:11, Matt. 26:11, Mark 14:7, John 12:8]
  • Understand that we have been taught the ‘principles of tithing‘ in ear-tickling fanciful error by those of the churched who were not given the Levitical inheritance in God. The Right of Inheritance to the tithe was not given to those who are not Levites, or of the Levitical Priesthood “according to the order of Melchizedek.” The T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteens, Creflo Dollars, Paula White’s, and Juanita Bynum’s of the world, and their compatriots, are not scriptural Levites.
If you think...

If you think…

They have no right of claim to the scriptural tithe of the Levitical Priesthood.

The Storehouse, or Tithing in God’s understanding (Malachi 3), feeds, nourishes, restores, replenishes, and redeems the Greater Whole for the greater good of all.

It is the “sacrifice that redeems” not the sacrifice that blings, nor does it make one or a handful of personalities out of millions of people rich in material substance. The proper tithe “of the people, by the people, for the people” does not abandon nor indulge in the self-righteous context of slovenly-gained riches just to make up appearances on the outside while the inside is filled with the stench of dying and rotted-out corpses. [2nd Timothy 4:3.]

The world is laid waste at our feet and we have been sold a “Bill of Individualistic Goods” by those whose only purpose has been to deride, devalue, demean, conquer, divide, and destroy us as a people. The tithe, as told by those who are in fallacious error of the Word of God, is made to motivate us to “give or die”. That is not a spiritual mandate from God, but a ‘threat from mankind;’ and it is wrong on the surface and underneath.

[Note: At the end of this undaunted and highly storied Black and very biblical history of true Israel, there is unmitigated strength in our numbers. The Bible only refers to white-skinned people when it speaks out about Rome, Herod, and Caesar and such people like them. The Greek people, Asians, and Assyrians who “race-mixed” with Africans also became the founntainhead of the blended and multi-cultural peoples who are, along with their African forebears, the world’s “Gentiles,” and they can also be engrafted in the Vine.]

As the rightful Inheritance of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a proper time, order, sequence, and protocol by which we come back to the New Jerusalem, notwithstanding the engrafted Vine (the Gentiles) who did not inherit the Promises through Abraham. Though the engrafted seed can and will uproot and replace unbelievers, even those born to Israel, the time is now upon us to handle our earthly business to the extent that we can.

It is our responsibility not to allow the devil’s actions to continually beset us.

The Enemy of our souls, the one who was bound for a thousand years (a Millennium) has now been loosed on the world at-large.

The Word of God does not fail us, so it is up to us to learn this, recognize it, and to understand the truth for exactly what it is. As we work and live on in these remaining times, we also understand that the “little season” of the Enemy’s reign (the consistent jealousy and battle for our souls to our wit’s end) has not yet ended. [Revelation 20.]

In the meantime, we are without excuse for allowing ourselves to be overcome and outdone as a theological race of people in America. We are temporally and temporarily displaced, but not disheartened.

Faith without works is a dead faith. Though doing will not save us, inaction will most assuredly kill us, one way or the other.

A dead faith that ‘only prays and does not do’ in the Kingdom of God, in this time of uncertainty, lends itself over to continued disobedience. That continued disobedience (disobedience being no more or less than a lack of faith) is a revolving and unending cycle that does not stop until we stop it. We don’t have to wonder why the vicious cycle never ends, we never end it. [James 2:14-16.]

The End of the Matter: You/we cannot sit on the sidelines while Black America is laid waste in the hands of its perpetual enemies. [Ecclesiastes 12:13.]

Those who have it in their power to do and do not, are just as guilty of harm and destruction as those who do it willfully. Support for wrongdoing is in the withdrawal, when we concede defeat to the enemy of our souls and relinquish our vested ownership in this land while it remains.

America may be out of love, and out of touch, with us– but it is expedient for us to fall in love with ourselves and one another, as a People, once again. There is still much much work to be done. [Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39]

To be silent in such trying times as these is to cast in our lot with the enemy of our souls.

The Trust Factor

The Trust Factor is Out the Window When We Disengage.


Jackson, Dr. Phillip, Out of the Fields: With No More Cotton to Pick, What Will America Do with 40 Million Black People?, Atlanta Business Journal, Spring/Summer 2013, Vol. 21, No. 1

Jackson Communications, [Real Estate], Stolen Property: South Georgia Family Fights to Retain Last 60 of 300 Acres, Atlanta Business Journal, Spring/Summer 2013, Vol. 2, No. 1

Two Florida Cops Off the Job After FBI Investigates Klan Involvement, Liberaland (Blogger)

Noah’s Mindset Jason (Facebooker)

The Truth About Mass Incarcerations and the Wrongfully Convicted, The Legacy of a Nation, BlogTalkRadio

BOSSIP: Race Matters – Black Men in Same Condition Now as in 1970s

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The Water Front Documentary, Netflix

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