Correcting Black History in British Hollywood: Idris Elba to Play Imhotep in ‘Ascension’

by | Jun 8, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

In the new British mini-series, Ascension, Idris Elba, Actor and Academia Extraordinaire, is slated to play the most controversial and beloved Black man in ancestral history, Imhotep.

Racial tensions have rages for years over who the ancient Egyptians were, and most of the controversy was more over the color of their skin than where they originated. Now the truth unfolds before us about Ancient Kemet, a truth we’ve known for a long time.

Black Americans, and Black people worldwide, have watched the color of some of the most colorful and controversial Black people in the history of the world portrayed as white people from the antiquities and now the emergence of the real deal comes to 4D Blueray full fruition.

More and more, other countries, other nations around the world, are beginning to bow to the will of scientific discovery–from China to Great Britain, from Australia to South America, and it appears that only the United States of America is left vehemently still trying to use white characters to portray what was some very Black people who emerged more than 200,000 years ago out of Northern Africa/The Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Mesopotamian lands, as well as the Far East.

For America’s Hollywood to have to admit that and work within its parameters deals a serious everlasting blow to what this country was raised to believe, that Black people had no history before Christopher Columbus discovered them and this country; and that he and the Portuguese actually did Africa a big favor by civilizing a people who were already as civilized as they needed to be at the time.

Imhotep, as we have learned, was a powerful and brilliant mathematician who substantially kills all notions that Europe legitimized learning and education for Black and African people.

Idris Elba as IMHOTEP in Ascension

Idris Elba as IMHOTEP in Ascension

Idris Elba as IMHOTEP in Ascension – Does it matter?


If it mattered when the powers that were went into overtime to change the race of our finest ancestors and their moments in time, then it sorely matters that the record is set straight.

British producer Vivek J. Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle) and writer Warren Ellis (Red) have teamed up for the adventure/thriller miniseries, which revolves around the history and future of astronomy and mankind’s impulse for the stars. Tiwary and his wife, Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary of Hunter College of the City University of New York, based the story on an original idea that has been on the back burner until now. Ellis will write the script and Elba will executive produce it.

With a growing awareness of the true beginnings of science, and geography and history, maybe one day soon someone will offer Hollywood, on a golden scepter, the real and complete Christ, the Messiah–a Black Hebrew man who actually did exist and whose “feet were like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace…” (Rev.1:15).

Elba deserves a standing ovation like never before for this one, before it’s out of the hopper and even moreso than the critical acclaim he has received for Luther.

We can’t wait…Finally.

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