Black Republicans are delusional if they think they are supporting a Party that supports them and looks out for the best interests of the common people of the United States of America. It hasn’t happened in a long time, and by the looks of things, it will never happen again.
GOP Initiatives and Constitution
1) They SAY: We believe in the power and opportunity of America’s free-market economy.
They do: Vote down competition on alternative sources of energy, while simultaneously doing some humongous government-leeching of tax subsidies for themselves.
That’s not only hypocritical, it’s downright treacherous for them to preach free-market and then set it up so the market is anything BUT free-flowing with competition. It’s close enough to being an outright monopoly. They want less government interference, all right. Less for them and more for the rest of us.
If Black folks haven’t figured out by now that this country was not set up for anybody but rich old white men to profit and prosper, the Black Republican class is delusional and can’t see the front door for casually being so very accustomed to walking through the back one.
2) They SAY: They want lasting and enduring peace based on freedom and the will to defend it, but here’s the pot-stirrer:
They DO: Create more terrorists than they stop.
If they are counting on public ignorance to help them blow this one over, let’s just say that there were no “issues” in the middle east until the GOP played an instrumental role in helping Zionist [mostly refugee] Germans colonize and westernize “the state of” Israel in 1948, which has nothing to do with the Holy God of Israel spoken of in the Bible, or any of its translations.
While the GOP spins about their policies in Russia during the 1980s, they also hope that we haven’t taken notice that Russia has not had one single day of true peace since the GOP’s Point Guard, Ronald Reagan, claimed victory over a battle against the Cold War.
There was no victory.
Russia’s economy has weakened and come close to collapsing. The country now has more poor, jobless, and homeless people, and even more racism because of Republican-supported policies, than it ever did in its short storied history. Republican-instituted capitalist policies in Russia are an utter and total failure, and it’s a huge reflection on how shallow and demeaning that this kind of capitalism is. It is not made to boost the economy, it is made to abuse it; and the Reagan Administration was the worst example of that kind of abuse that the world has ever known.
There was no victory in Afghanistan, there was no victory in Iraq, there was definitely no victory in Vietnam. Nor will there ever be any victories coming from these types of inexcusable unredeeming wars. They were unwinnable then, they are unwinnable now. Even the Russians had the sense enough to know that.
Black Republicans who would follow a Party that touts tremendous failures as successes on the part of Republicans make themselves part of the problem instead of the solution.
Pride goeth before a fall–Prov. 16:18. Those who adhere to those policies fall with them.
3) They SAY: We support “common-sense” reforms that lower costs and ensure quality health care that Americans deserve; and that they want to “end lawsuit abuse.”
They DO: Continually block and attempt to repeal all efforts that the Democratic Party makes to institute those common-sense reforms that lower costs and ensure quality health care for all Americans.
Some of them want people who can’t afford doctors to use emergency rooms for healthcare, at a mind-boggling average cost of about $1,500 per visit and $600-$800 for an ambulance ride. Not only is that expensive and unnecessary, but it is an astronomical waste of time of ER personnel to treat non-urgent issues that are best served in a doctor’s office. Besides, that’s enough money to pay the healthcare premiums of one individual for an entire year.
If Medicaid expansion is causing an increase in the use of primary care and emergency room services, then the need for it has been there all along. That doesn’t speak to how “bad” Medicaid expansion is, it speaks to a need to educate consumers of these services so that the taxpayers get the best bang for the buck. A failure to educate is not a failure of the plan itself.
Black Republicans who can’t associate the disparities in health coverage and outcomes with the Number One health concerns in the Black community are trying too hard to overlook what the numbers are telling them: Black people are dying unnecessarily and are unnecessarily sick at a greater cost to the taxpayer than health care coverage would ever cost.
Besides, if they eat out at restaurants and buy food from places where low-paid and often very sick people are working without proper health benefits…they aren’t as isolated from these airborne and food-borne illnesses as they think they are.
Btw, “ending lawsuit abuse” is code for “giving doctors and hospitals ‘carte blanche’ to do patient harm and damage and not be held liable for it”.
4) They SAY: They want to maintain a “world-class” system of primary and secondary education with high standards, and they advocate for school “choice” through vouchering systems.
They DO: Have some serious infighting going on with moving money from public schools to private schools that favor the white and elite.
Black Republicans are highly delusional if they think that the GOP’s big push against “tax-and-spend” is a beautiful thing when it comes to private school vouchers. That’s just about as ‘Big Government running interference with the lives of private citizens’ as it gets. But are the school vouchers really any good?
The jury is still out on that, so it’s too soon to tell.
However, if anyone were to ask Tanya McDowell or Kelley Williams-Bolar how that “minority private school vouchering thing” is working for them as homeless women, I’d bet that they’d have a lot to say about the redlining of public schools in predominantly low-income African American neighborhoods.
There wouldn’t have been a need for private school vouchering if that redlining had not already taken place. That’s how McDowell’s and Bolar’s children, and many many other African-American children just like them, got disenfranchised from a decent public school education in the first place.
5) They SAY: We believe in energy ‘independence.’
They DO: To someone’s credit, there have been no major stateside nuclear disasters since Three-Mile Island in 1979; but there is no need to re-emphasize the eternal ongoing dangers of nuclear reactors. or the fact that they often seem to be located any place except where rich folks and elite white folks live.
Clean coal, one of the GOP’s biggies, as well as drilling for oil and natural gas have become the earth’s biggest most usurious methods of extracting energy that the world has ever known. Not only are they a danger to health and life and property–any property that is not in their neighborhoods; but they are also a high danger to the very security of the planet itself.
The GOP’s record on solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower is atrocious; but no fear for Mother Earth. She simply hits back with a vengeance and just kicks free radicals in the form of cancers and pollution in the form of congestive heart failures and all other kinds of man-made lung and kidney and liver diseases right back at us.
Furthermore, the impact of these particular methods of energy on price-gouging are especially detrimental to African-Americans, who are already receiving a revolving-door screwing, no matter which way they turn. Low wages, stifled medical benefits, higher prices for gasoline and utilities with no justifiable reason for it, unaffordable grocery store prices, and all while the cost of living has gone up 11.8 times with only a 2.5 times pay rate increase since 1964.
In the meantime, the GOP fights vehemently against raising the minimum wage and then cuts off or cuts down any and all government-assisted benefits and initiatives to alleviate the crucifixion. My how they hate paying taxes, but love spending other people’s tax money while they do it.
If Black Republicans have been fooled into thinking bigger tax credits and more subsidies for corporations “create more jobs,” they may want to get a clue, with a quickness. The GOP’s record on job creation is nothing for them to be proud of. It’s nearly non-existent.
With all those tax cuts and subsidies they got from 1980 clean into, well, NOW — one would think any American able to work could fall out of their front door and trip over at least two or three decent jobs; but that’s not what happened.
More tax money and breaks for the no-working-class GOP “rich” have never been of any true benefit to the average working class American. The biggest job creators in the nation are always small businesses, the ones who rarely see the benefits of the taxes they or their employees pay.
6) They SAY: A judge’s role is to interpret the law, not make the laws from a bench; and that they trust judges to make rulings based on law and nothing else.
They DO: When a Republican-owned judged, particularly those in the federal Supreme Court, interpret laws, they do indeed make laws that aren’t visibly on the books, or even in context with the law as given.
If Black Republicans think, as their white counterparts seem to, that judges should only interpret laws and not make them up as they go, they missed the Memo: What the GOP says is simply not what the GOP does.
Black Republicans are highly delusional if they think that snatching the heart out of the Voting Rights Act, in the midst of operatives all over the nation working overtime to disenfranchise ‘certain’ voters is a good thing that is meant to “protect” us from voter fraud. Let the records show that the majority of people consistently caught cheating on the electoral process are, themselves, Republicans.
And Black Republicans are also delusional if they think that wishing away racism by diluting and wiping out Affirmative Action is going to help matters any when it comes to discrimination. That everything should be based on merit is a great fantastical phantasmagoric idea; that it didn’t happen and now probably never will, is a stone cold fact.
The Black GOP is especially delusional if they think that they themselves have any merit whatsoever with the GOP.
To put it in brief, the GOP website of “Black Republican” hyperlinks reads like the Who’s Who of the Save the Spotted Owl Society. And the quickness with which the GOP leverages people with Afrocentric and other minority origins as fish bait in place of real (reel?) efforts to recruit and retain Black Republicans and their self-exiled ‘Talent Tenth’ has all of the stick-to-it-iveness of an old repeatedly used Post-It® Note.
The GOP already knows that the proud Black Republicans will jump ship at the first sign that it’s sinking, just like they do with everything else. That’s why the White Republicans have no good reason to give a Black Republican any more status or merit in the Party than they would a refrigerator magnet.
Jamilah Lemieux: They talk the talk of “Journalistic Integrity,” but their Friends & Constituents @ Fox & Friends don’t ‘walk the walk’ that they talk.
RNC Chair Reince Preibus, who called out Jamilah Lemieux for her Interview with Ebony Magazine, by his very connection to FOX, is certainly not one to talk about “journalistic integrity.”
FYI … Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Republican, says his son, Martin III. Black Republicans, you’re on the wrong side of history.