Preacher’s Daughters: What’s the Deal with the Media Beatin’ Up on Black Women?

by | Apr 20, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Ever hear the saying “I am the bitch you created me to be”?

In the age of the same-o, same-o tired beatdown old reality show, the producers and directors of these aimless wanderings are still pawing and clawing at Black women in America to use as leverage to make a dollar.

In Hollywood’s refusal to bring back the professional television writers in the industry AND PAY THEM; they seem to prefer dragging themselves through the mud looking for something to satisfy their insatiable craving for the caricaturizing of all Black women by fixating on the Talentless Tenth.

If only ten-percent of the Black community was needed to build us up, they seem to want to spend more money on the ten-percent that it will take to tear us down.

As a concerted whole, Black people seem to have complacently given in to the understanding that we are almost always the first ones working and the last ones to pull up the table to eat; but for whatever reason, Hollywood has attached itself to the complaints about “not enough Black people on reality TV” in a very insidiously nasty way. In their own incapable and non-understanding way, the media execs have decided for themselves that the stereotypes of yesteryear simply needed a modern day upgrade.

Still down with the ho’s, the drunks, the drug addicts, the babymama’s, the part-time criminals on the lam, the “club rugs,” the big-booty lusty&busty’s, same old lame cat-scratching, bitch-clawing, t&a-throwing street drama — this sector of inhumane society has come up with yet another “scandalous” infiltration in the :poop: section of their own makings, Lifetime’s “Preacher’s Daughters.”

Speaking of scandalous, by the way, Scandal doesn’t rank in the Nielsen TOP 10 of TV shows watched all over America (as of the week of April 7, 2014) until data is requested exclusively for African-Americans.

But …

It’s the same old crap with Preacher’s Daughters, different spin to it. As if the powers-that-were can’t get enough of re-emphasizing that preachers, their wives and their children simply aren’t the saints they portray themselves to be. (wah, wah .. we already know.)

Considering that the same applies to white preachers and their wives and daughters, one has to wonder why the media emphasis on a pro-woman network like Lifetime has to go for the bottom-feeding bin of reality TV and do this kind of thing. As many movies as they have shown of whining crying white women who were being abused and exploited, one wouldn’t think them capable of it.

Yeah, yeah, there’s white people in Preacher’s Daughters, too. Doesn’t change the facts about Black women in the media. They don’t have to pay the same price exacted from Black women when it comes to social stigmas and stereotypes. The calculated numbers in terms of racism is not there, even when they throw in some other races in order to apply a social ‘pH skin blocker’.

But then again, white females who are preacher’s daughters wouldn’t be so low-classed enough as to put themselves on Front Street like that for the whole nation, and then some, to see. Wonder if the daughters of T.D. Jakes and Creflo Dollar are going to make some guest appearances, if Lifetime can drum up the budget to afford them?

Black women who do these shows are saying a whole lot about how willing they are to exploit themselves in exchange for a temporary rental fee that does nothing more than leave a stain on them and their Black daughters to come for the next few generations yet to be born. Do they think about it? The future, that is? The stigma that follows long after the money is spent?

This kind of show is a long fall downward from the show Lifetime cancelled in 2002, “Any Day Now,” right before the national media moguls totally trashed any shot they had at re-establishing their legitimacy in broadcasting.

As for the Black women who keep falling into these television “ho-traps,” the ones who are said to be the loudest and most vicious and bold are actually the ones with no voice in the world unless someone is attacking, robbing, riding, raping, and beating them up.

It’s not like Black women are not already the most abused, emotionally stepped on, depressed-but-denied, anguish-leads-to-angry, viciously stereotyped women on the planet as it is. We understand, psychologically, how the entire world likes to “Blame Mama” for their wrongs and sins and errors in judgment, so Black women as “Mothers of the Earth” [from which an entire planet was birthed and nurtured], well … it simply stands to reason that we would be the most beat-up on and receive the most blame for everyone else’s sins. As always. And we often react to it by beating up on ourselves. Classic anger displacement syndrome* when we should be aiming at the target, and instead aim at ourselves and each other.

Princess Tiana

Princess Tiana: The First Disney Princess who Became a Frog to Suit Her Man

Wonder if we Black women will ever get tired of Hollywood creating bitch-skank roles to fit us into because that’s the way they see us–as the Princess who turns into a frog to get her man because her man can’t ever be a Prince?

They won’t take us seriously until we do, and the ‘Mighty Whiteys’ at Nielsen know how much we’re worth in terms of dollars and “sense” even if we haven’t gotten the Memo and caught on to it yet.


Any Day Now

Black People Do Not Understand Propaganda

Bamboozled: That was No Lady, that was My Wife…

Black Women in the Media

*anger [ang´ger]
a feeling of tension and hostility, usually caused by anxiety aroused by a perceived threat to one’s self, possessions, rights, or values.

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