Niggaz Puh-lease – Abortion? You don’t take care of the kids who are here now…

by | Apr 11, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Speaking of the Gates of Hell, let’s count on our thumbs, if we have them, how many Black women are going to hell for having an abortion, or for using birth control. Zero. That’s how many.

Thou shalt not kill

The Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” There is nothing to read between the letters n- o- and t-.

Ahma tell you why and keep the sixth commandment of The Ten clearly in sight at the same time.

African-Americans, especially The Churched amongst us, raise a lot of Cain (forget about the murdered brother Abel) about Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood and genocide and eugenics, but can we please take a moment to get this locked down and put in perspective?

By no means do I endorse abortion as a method of birth control.

I do NOT believe in that; and murder by another name doesn’t make it any less so; however, let’s take a look at some real hard statistics. Feel free to ad-lib at your convenience.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), as of December 2013, pregnancy rates in America were still in a decline. Have been since 2009. These are actual rates of incidences of pregnancy, not rates of abortions.

Women are simply choosing to get pregnant less; and we can pretty much guess it’s not because they are having less sex. Access to birth control might be playing a humongous role there.

Key findings

  • The pregnancy rate for U.S. women in 2009 was 102.1 per 1,000 women aged 15–44, the lowest level in 12 years; only the 1997 rate of 101.6 has been lower in the last 30 years.

  • Rates for women under age 30 fell during 1990–2009, while rates for women aged 30 and over increased.

  • Rates for teenagers reached historic lows in 2009, including rates for the three major race and Hispanic origin groups.

  • Pregnancy rates have declined about 10% each for married and unmarried women since 1990.

  • The birth rate for married women was 72% higher than the rate for unmarried women; the abortion rate for unmarried women was almost five times higher than the rate for married women.



If you believe the latest Census reports that Black/African-Americans comprise only fourteen-percent of the nation’s population (lol), then of course, Black women’s rates of abortion should be lower.

However, the conversations are not centered around straight ordinal numbers, but numbers ‘per capita,’ mathematically, as compared to that of white women. Not Hispanic or Native American women or Asian women who abort, mind you, (and they do) but thoroughly Black v. White.

Planned Parenthood is said to be rooted in a straight up head-on genocidal attack of Margaret Sanger’s—in which she expressed a sincere desire to cut down or even completely eliminate the numbers of Black babies being born. However, her main concern, on research, seems to be that too many women -period- were dying in childbirth from having no access to birth control. Call her a “birth control advocate” if you dare, but the fact remains that many Black people still consider her a baby-killer of mainly African-American children.

Amongst Sanger’s most popular quotes: 1 “When motherhood becomes the fruit of a deep yearning, not the result of ignorance or accident, its children will become the foundation of a new race.” 2 “A free race cannot be born of slave mothers.” 3 “A sickly race is a weak race. As long as Negro mothers die in childbirth at two and one-half times the rate of white mothers, as long as Negro babies are dying at twice the rate of white babies, colored homes will be unhappy.”

As racist as Quote 2 sounds above all the others, the truth is that a ‘slave mother’ is any woman who is forced to do something against her will. That’s a valid comparison, and it’s nothing close to what Sarah Palin said about S-L-A-V-E-R-Y and the national debt. {In Palin’s two-cent pea brain, the national debt wasn’t about ‘slavery’ until Barack Obama was elected President. Up until then, wanton Republican tax-and-spend budgeting was perfectly fine, unless it was spent on certain people not of her particular ilk.}


Though W.E.B. DuBois is the one who made this next quote, which is often wrongly attributed to Margaret Sanger, heaven forbid DuBois ever be accused of advocating for the practice of eugenics: “The mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.”

What Sanger did say is “What hangs over the South is that the Negro has been in servitude. The white southerner is slow to forget this. His attitude is the archaic in this age. Supremacist thinking belongs in the museum.” and “The big answer, as I see it, is the education of the white man. The white man is the problem. It is the same as with the Nazis. We must change the white attitudes. That is where it lies.”

That hasn’t changed much.

To this day, certain white men still spit nails in an effort to control his physical access to his white woman—voluntarily or not.

He is still trying to mandate that she be forced to GET PREGNANT whether she wants to or not; and that she shall have no legal right to birth control or an abortion; hence, the “War on Women” that these controlling white males say doesn’t exist. It amounts to that certain white man’s continuing need/demand to believe themselves the “owners” of women, all women, from the rooter to the tooter. That’s all there is to it and there is no more.

Murder is beside the point in a nation where they will demand, because their racial numbers are supposedly dwindling and for fear that they are becoming a minority, that white women have more babies against their will while simultaneously condoning the gunning down of Black children in cold blood, or demanding that public assistance be discontinued in large amounts, even if it means Black children starve to death and languish in the streets or in abject poverty “because they had no business being born” in the first place. They even celebrate this attitude whenever and wherever they can get away with it.

If they aren’t going to “hell” for that, then a woman, especially not a Black woman, will ever make it into hell for having an abortion.

A straight look at the CDC stats say that there is about a 39-percent higher rate of pregnancy with white women than Black women. They can relax the race scoreboard on that one.

In the age group 15-17, Black women (non-Hispanic) had 25,000 abortions, and white women (non-Hispanic) had 20,000. In the 18-19 age group, Black women had 45,000 induced abortions and white women had 41,000. In the age group 20-24, Black women had 146,000 abortions and white women had 130,000. In the age group 25-29, Black women had 115,000 induced abortions as compared to 86,000 for white women. In the age group 30-34, Black women had 68,000 abortions and white women had 52,000. In the age group 35-39, Black women had 34,000 abortions as compared to 38,000 for white women. This will be sad news for them.

In the over-40 age group, the group most folks and modern medicine considers “too risky” to have children, Black women aborted 9,000 times as compared to 16,000 times for white women. That will also be sad news for them, but they will perk up upon hearing that Black females under the age of fifteen had 3,000 abortions as compared to 1,000 for white females. So now, these controlling white males can also relax the race scoreboard on this fact.

The fact that Black women have more abortions and get pregnant 39-percent less should be good news for them. So …

Black women abort more ‘per capita’ at a fourteen percent population rate overall?: Yes.

Tie-in to Margaret Sanger and racial genocide/eugenics?: None.

Tie-in to Margaret Sanger and baby genocide?: Nearly all of it.

The control over a woman’s body, be it by birth control — a more viable option; or an abortion — the least desirable, is certainly her own choice.

But Sanger watched so many women literally die, mostly poor immigrant women of her own race, from not having the right to decide, the right to choose … and that is what Planned Parenthood is really rooted in.

Lately, some smarty-pants operative named Foster Friess said that the answer to birth control is to place an aspirin between the knees and not open them any wider than the aspirin allows; but he’s living in LaLaLand if he thinks that is ever going to happen – whether the woman/girl is older, younger, single, or married. Tell him “good luck with that.” If that’s the case, he needs to tell some of his constituency to stop trying to decriminalize rape while he’s at it.

Here’s the deal: We don’t half-@ take care of the children who are here now.

When that gets resolved and under control, then crank up the ‘holier-than-thou’ spiel about the pro-life preservation of the unborn. If God isn’t pleased with aborting the unborn, then He’s certainly not pleased with crapping on the ones who are here.

The way things are going in this country right now, unwanted children are already half-dead before they arrive; and some ‘wanted’ children don’t escape blatant cold-hearted tragedies. Murder is just as much murder outside the womb as it is inside.

Every day that Black people wake up, African-American people, that is, someone’s Black child is being murdered in the streets by someone white or more likely someone of their own race; Black children and plenty of Black adults are going hungry; the majority of homeless are children and the stats aren’t looking good for the ~born-and-wanted~ right now.

Wars are being started and Black children are sent away to die in them; mothers and fathers are killing their own Black babies after the fact, either because they really don’t want them, or because life gets to be too much and it seems the easiest thing to do, at the moment, to let them go.

At the very least, “Blah” children are constantly leveraged as some underlying causation for hypocrites to scream about “all those single Black women on welfare,” as if all the single white and Hispanic women on welfare are an exception when it comes to who’s draining the economy. (Hint: It ain’t the people on welfare.)

Black children are consistently being taken down an insidiously dark and disastrous and meaningless road by their own parents, who apparently don’t give a crap what self-defeating behavior they instill in a child before he or she has the chance to choose a life path on their own.

And don’t bother to speak on the “advantages” of adoption and foster care. Those options are not a problem-resolving panacea. Children are still abused, murdered, and neglected under the care of others; and that includes adoptive parents.

There are no easy answers for anyone on these matters; so at the end of a long hard day, anybody and nobody who is not directly involved in the raising of a child has no say-so, no authority, and ZERO power over a woman’s right to choose whether or not she wants children; once again noting that birth control -not abortion- is the preferred method of making certain that doesn’t happen.


Somebody trying to force an abortion on you or someone you know? Help is available.

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