Positive Thinking and Tithing Will Not Make You Rich. Period.

by | May 7, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, a lot of people – I mean hundreds of thousands of folk- were hyped by every motivational speaker on the planet into believing they could become exorbitantly rich by the absorption of osmosis.

If you just think rich, spend ‘as if’ you’re rich (fake it ’til you make it), and find some well-heeled friends to be around, read all the right books, listen to the right tapes, put ten percent of your income into a church collection plate, network with all the “right” (i.e., white) people and spend a few bucks on some multi-level marketing plan or scheme, it wouldn’t be long before you’d be laying on a beach sipping Mai Tai’s while your big fruit-filled Prosperity Tree just started producing on its own without you having to lift a finger.

Good stuff if you can convince others to believe it and get them to pay you for it. But…

There’s good news and bad news.

While it hurts nothing and no one to think positively and say positive things, the truth is that only SOUND FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS make money. Nothing has changed, it’s all still as old school as it was at origin.

Making money, and lots of it if you can, hasn’t changed much from the way money was made before the onset of the Internet, so the best way to make money online is to already be a pretty well-known nearly “gangsta” entrepreneur before you go there.

The Internet is a facilitator for your products and services, not a means to an end.

And why do we need money? Because we aren’t going very far without it.

That said, Internet businesses have actually worked for some people, but please don’t go broke relying on it.

Good old-fashioned Word of Mouth and some caring rich relatives is what catapulted Mark Zuckerberg into Financial Outerspace back when Facebook was nothing but an idea a lot of people had. Zuck’s rich relatives made a decision to ‘pour into him’ and hoped his wildest dreams would come true.

Truly Luck of the Draw.

You and I and folks like us likely don’t have exorbitantly rich uncles and dads and others like that to pour into us and not be hurt if the money is lost, but there are a lot of fake millionaires hanging around these days pretending to be richer than Richie Rich.

They are figuring on “speaking it” into existence.

It never hurts to think and say positive, it’s a great thing to do; but those thoughts and talk have to be followed up by specific action. At one time, Donald J. Trump, about to go bankrupt again, decided he’d become a fake millionaire by selling “real estate” school courses to people who obviously didn’t have a dime to their names, at some ridiculously low price. But if they’d known then what they know now, they wouldn’t have been listening to the likes of Trump, let alone buying into that phony real estate school that ‘profiteth them nothing’.

Then as now, the most innovative ideas that catch on fire the fastest {go viral} are still the way to go.

The Internet was inundated with tricked out salespersons a long time ago, ZERO SATURATION point was reached back in the 1990s during the DOT.com explosion, so starting a business online now is harder, if not nearly impossible.

Back then, I was innovative, but I had people pulling up on the Late Freight trying to sell everything from tax codes to energy drinks. The businesses I tried to connect them with are still in business, but all of those fly-by-night “get rich quick” organizations that they were pricing and pumping up literally flew into the night, never to be seen or heard from again.

The way to go now is with high-tech coding and computer programming. Truth is, that’s where the jobs of the future are going — like it or not.

They say the robots are causing lost jobs, but chances are more likely that the lost jobs are hiding in a prison system with unpaid labor than they are putting people out of business. The robots may put people out of business one way, but on the other hand, someone has to design them, make them, build them, and keep them up and running at competitive efficiency.

When the day comes that the I-Robots become self-designing, self-building, and self-maintaining, that’s when you know you’re done.

At that point, we’re likely all done.

When it gets to the point where everyone’s a millionaire and/or billionaire and/or trillionaire, no one is really ‘rich’ any more.

Competitions to “out-money” other people are nothing more than an exercise in futility.

Trust that.


Reprinted from the blog “Black Write and Read.”

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