Roosting Chickens: Trump Presidency Sheds Many Points of Light on Historical Racism in America

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

America’s racist faction has one of their own running the nation at this time, and it’s not the first time Black America has had to deal with one of the likes of them.

The blue-eyed jesus racist is not new to us, and neither is the greed-driven, gaudy, blingo anyrandian selfishness masquerading as Christianity. We’ve seen it all before, so this comes as no surprise to us.

What is outstanding is that the same nation that threw a holy shit fit on Janet Jackson’s nipple decor never had a problem with looking at Madonna’s tits, ass and clitoris for more than 15 years before that happened.

Words for Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction: “How HORRIBLE of her!” Words for Madonna and her ‘I’m horny all the time’ sex look and sex book: “She’s a big girl and she can take of herself. She just grew up.”

Words for Nicki Minaj: “She’s just a big ho.” Words for Miley Cyrus: “She just grew up.”

Words for Michelle Obama’s long well-defined shapely arms: “How dare she bare her arms as a First Lady representing our nation. How undignified of her!” Words for Melania Trump’s tits, ass, clit and butthole all over everywhere, and the fact that she actually was a paid hooker and brothel queen, where all of Trump’s wives typically come from: “The beauty of God’s creation is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Viva La Difference between the two attitudes: First ladies were all Black, underlings beneath them were all white.


The True First Hooker of the United States of America in a visibly photoshopped image. Unless she is actually 20 feet tall, this fake photo is incredibly blurred in the background…

Actually, Nancy Reagan, one of American racist’s other idolatry symbols, was also a paid hooker when she met Ron-boy; but no one had bare ass pictures of her coochie to float all over the Internet. She kept her cooty-cat-pimping ways exclusively to herself.

So, yes, under the circumstances, it is absolutely correct to refer to Melania Trump as “The First Hooker.”

Worse was said about Mrs. Obama and she was a first class upstanding degreed educated uniquely beautiful woman of class, dignity and honor and social grace who was never given her earned and just due by those who now choose to celebrate the fact that America is a big supporter of Babylonian whoredom …as long as it’s on white skin.

This country has been exposed for what it is and has been all along, a purveyor of white-skinned criminality, violence, and sexual sin and vice, which when laid upon darker-skinned Americans, suddenly becomes “oh so wrong” and “ghastly” and “ungodly.”

This nation has nothing else to say when it comes to fronting itself as the greatest or the most moral, ethical or most “godly” nation of all nations.

It is no such thing, nor has it ever been in the entirety of its existence.

Everything Black people said about America has finally been revealed to the world in the pussy-grabbing hands and between the legs of the Trump regime. Anything they said about US was really THEM all along, a direct result of their ugly violent and insolent behaviors rubbed off on Black people of the Americas due to historical enslavement and ultimate entrapment.

In Trump, the world can see for itself that President Obama’s two terms were just a cover for the absolute truth about America.

As a man and a gentleman, he did the just thing and tried to cover for America’s filth to the best of his ability. President Obama’s wife went into overtime trying to represent that America was a wonderful nation filled with good people and righteous justice and hope for the future … but the truth, if not told rightly and justly, will eventually get around to telling on itself.

If Russia can choose American presidents, any country ought to be able to run interference with elections and do the same, North Korea, South Korea, China, and Nigeria included.

All Trump’s (-45) life consists of right now is underscoring the filth America swept under a rug and blamed on Black people for a very long time; for most assuredly, as Malcolm X said, (a man who was also married to a classy, upstanding educated beautiful and exemplary as well as dignified socially moral and graceful wife), “The chickens have [most assuredly] come home to roost.”

Almost makes one wonder, considering the words of Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, who seems to have far more respect for Trump than he did for President Obama, and 1000x more respect for Trump than Trump would ever have for him. Is crooked Donald Trumpity-ump the one and only racist and crooked Kkkrakka who finally scared the holy flying shit out of the great and all mighty Louis Farrakhan? Stay tuned…


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