News on #-45: America’s Bastard Child Proliferates Warmongering Inside and Out of the Nation

by | Feb 27, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

In the past three months, more or less, Donald J. Trump has been referred to as a lot of different things before and after the November 2016 election, but since January 20, 2017, “President” (legitimately) is not one of those names, except in his own circles.

It is no less than amazing to see that every “ni&&er” America created in its own culture wars on Black and dark-skinned people has culminated authentically on white skin, in the White House. The world has laid final witness to the view and a spectacle to behold, it is.

Everything white America said was wrong with Black people boomeranged on them big time, from the racial stereotypes about what is a “baby daddy” and “baby mama” to the absolute truth about who are the biggest drug addicts, pimps, thugs, gangbangers, whores, criminals, and welfare dependents in the nation and in the at-large world.

As it turns out, less than 20-percent of Black America is anything close to the lies that have been told about us as a corporate body of afrocentric People (a People who do not yet know we are a people) for centuries.

White America created the “ni&&er” mentality, and now with Trump in his insidiously lewd position as Criminal-in-Chief, the stereotype of the American Ni&&er is finally at rest exactly where it belongs, on a white man’s last name. They created the “ni&&er” in the United States all by themselves, and now that they have him back in the White House where he belongs, he is theirs to live with…forever.

As a warmonger and a typical American racist and misogynist who lays claim to a “baby” christianity type of salvation that he has no intention of living up to, DJT, otherwise known as #-45, or the Bastard Child of American Politics, is our witness extraordinaire that baby christians belong in cradles and playpens sucking on formula and nukkies, not in prominent positions formerly known to be for mature and seasoned adults until they’ve been properly trained.

Indeed, who DID let the dogs out?

We’ve witnessed also the Oscar community’s use of political references to persuade us that not only do they consider Trump an illegitimate president who should not be taken seriously, but we also know that more than 2/3rds of Americans agree with that assessment, and so does MOST of the rest of the world. They got accustomed to wisdom and intellect in Barack Obama, so now Trump has to be compared to the Good Guy, and it’s not looking good for him by any stretch of the imagination. Trump is far on the other side of reality, so far that people are still posting up any news they can find about President Obama in his current state of retirement from office in order to keep a grip on their sanity.

Now, there are plenty of Christians of newly ink-stamped self righteousness who think that the bigger issue is about President Obama’s signature on Gay Rights and gay marriage, and who also think that their own belief systems -since that was sooooooooooooooooo wrong of him- make Trump’s “white evangelical baby christianity” a better type of religious homage and sacrifice to their self-made altars than that of a Black man who thought it not robbery to show the world that American laws and God’s righteousness laws were never the same two things.

They never were. And Black people have always known that, including the ones who like to pretend that they don’t know any better than to pretend that America was ever a Christian nation in the first place. It never was.

As they scramble to try to rectify that Black, nee liberal, behavior with a white baby christian of their own singular man-made belief systems, and thus make for themselves a king as shown in Hosea 8:4, it becomes more obvious by the day that #-45 is not a man “chosen by God” by any stretch of the imagination.

He avoids, like a spoiled child rather than a grown ass man, anything that could make him uncomfortable in a president’s skin that was not designed for him in ANY race.

He holds Press Conferences by conferring Twitter Tweet, he refuses to attend long-standing traditions, such as White House Correspondence Dinners with responsible journalists, and he puts down any news sources and media who might question him for his many unacknowledged sins and vices — all under the guise of being a “christian” of some kind made by white man and a white warmongering hate-filled racist misogynist “jesus” that no one knows anything about but their own kind.

#-45 gives us all due reason in the world to advocate vehemently for atheism, which seems to be a better religion than Christianity these days, but all that does is add to the confusion about true Godly standards of living, none of which #-45 exemplifies in his words, speech, mannerisms, nor in his behaviors.

Trump’s credibility waxes and wanes while it tips over the edge of a deep and wide crevice -the jaws of the Gates of Hell wide open and waiting for him- on nothing more than an electoral college vote stuffed with undocumented Russians, which they claim no one can prove. And yet, Trump has said over and over again out of his own mouth that Russia’s ties to him overturned an election that was actually won by Hillary Clinton.

Don’t Get It Twisted

If -45 means to prove that Russian interference has won the day on elections prior to his own, we have news for him … Barack Obama was likely the ONLY President to have to win both the popular and electoral college votes, simply because race does matter in America. Obama would later find himself subjected to laws and rules that would apply to no one else because of skin color alone; so that means that it is highly likely that, if Russia has indeed interfered with American elections in the past, that President Obama is actually the ONLY ‘legitimate’ President ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE to have ever graced the Oval Office. President Obama won both BOTH times; and Trump, as a white man, would not have to do the same. That’s white privilege at its very finest.

While we remove the Oscar trophy from LaLaLand and replace it with Moonlighting, we also understand that Trump is moonlighting as president between taxpayer-paid vacations in LaLaLand, DC; and that anything and everything he does is going to call for absolute resistance and ultimate pushback, from here to whenever he gets gone.

Get it? Got it. Good!

As the Washington Post reports, “Trump to propose 10 percent spike in defense spending, massive cuts to other agencies” … We get it, President Moonlight of LalaLand, (aka #-45).

Mix in infrastructure policies with warmongering defense spending policies, and now people are confused enough to support BOTH policies, which means an alleged superficial win for America on military and civilian job-costing. After all, it’s an “everybody wins” alt-right situation, correct, if we rebuild American infrastructure and start unnecessary foreign wars based on lies about terrorists at the same time. Isn’t it? About the same as designing a military command central that has a mandate to make wars with Black people INSIDE the United States at the same time, based on the same lies.

Too late for that simple-minded thinking, Trump, especially since President Obama already tried to get infrastructure to the top of his To-Do List from his first day in office, and the GOP resisted it then, and they are still resisting it now. Your OWN people aren’t going to support you on that, #-45.

All they want is war, and the profits and spoils associated with stealing, killing and destroying other lands and God’s people inside of those lands – both poverty-stricken Arabic and Israeli. You are now the Figurehead Global Chief Pen&Pencil-Pusher that they intend to use to put you farther behind in America than America was able to slam George W. Bush in the end. Too bad most people in America don’t have the educational wisdom nor the power of knowledge to see what Trump is actually doing, with his Wizard of Oz-ish curtained ‘feel-good-do-wrong’ manifestations, until it’s too late to do anything but give in to it.

But it’s ALSO a good thing that most of Trump’s global messes aren’t going to impact Black people one way or the other, not only because there isn’t a large percentage of Black folks on UNEARNED government assistance anyway, but also because America has fucked Black folk over so badly throughout its history that nothing they do now moves us one notch up or down the economic sliding scale. We are going to be where we are no matter what Trump does, and centuries of racial disparage withstood and taken down has proven that to be a fact.

Besides, we’ve not only seen worse than Trump out of racist and fascist whites in America, but we are also rebuilding and restructuring our homes and communities and families based on the most recent EXAMPLE that President Barack Obama set with the way he lived his own exemplary personal and public life, in spite of the racist naysayers who thought his skin color was enough to topple him.

Some say “Time will tell” on -45, but time has already told how this debacle of unnecessary increased defense spending that began Trump’s presidency will work out in the end; only he’s too dumb to get that.

The blatant murder of Navy Seal William “Ryan” Owens will be spelled out a might bit differently than the murder of Benghazi Ambassador Chris Stevens due to the inherent racism and misogyny behind it alone. [From Trump’s viewpoint: The Black man is stupid, the white woman is even stupider, and only a corporate type mogul white man who pretends to be richer than God is right for white America. And as long as white universal god American male is okay, everyone else will be, too, because that’s just the way it is.”]

Confusing, isn’t it?

But when and where have we seen and heard that mess before? Oh THAT’S RIGHT, *snap*! On American slave PLANTATIONS, and in mentally racially-segregated America, as usual.

Well…It has never worked out before, and it’s not going to suddenly be a winning formula for success now.

He is truly insane if he thinks that that old strategy is going to work in America now. Just because a non-politician who leveraged a ‘stuck on white male stupid’ political structure to take a job that he is unqualified to hold doesn’t change what history has already foretold the simpletons who think that white privilege and white righteousness and white money wins the day, all day every day. Pretty soon, none of that is going to matter any more, because Trump’s presence makes it not matter.

Trump’s people set out to prove that if what they call a ‘ni&&er’ could be president of the United States, anyone could –even the resident Republican Village Idiot whi&&er who doesn’t have a lick of sense or the American political decorum to kiss his own ass with.

They made their point.

America is a racist bastard child on the planet, it is now newly-represented by ANOTHER one, and always will be, apparently, as long as they have anything to say about it and as long as we lay down for it and accept it.

Now Unto Him Who Is Able to Keep Us from Falling and Defaulting on God’s Promises

All we can continue to do is pray for now–continue to pray that Trump’s own supporters and backers are the only ones to fall down to the ground and underneath the depths of hell behind the impact of their chosen king.

We must continue to move forward as they continue to regress on Trump’s watch, even as they vehemently attach themselves to war-making as the needed thing to make America “great” – again. They do this in the absence of any terrorists who “hate our freedoms” besides themselves, and as if their inglorious bastard past hasn’t already closed the chapter on those types of policies and foretold the future on where it all ends before and after their asses are cold dead and buried in their individual graves.

Time will tell, indeed.

The only wars that exist in America are the ones Trump and those like him dredge up in the sludgepile of their own mentally decrepit minds.

Besides, Trump’s strategies, if he has any, and those latent policies have proven to be a losing proposition in America for the past 500 years, give or take a few decades, so why would any of that change now? Unless he thinks himself better at making ginormous mistakes than those erroneous Republicans who came before him, that’s $54 BILLION in tax money for supreme nutcase wars… and he doesn’t even pay into the taxes that he wants Americans to pay for his illicit personal wars at our expense.

We got it a long time ago, Trump. As it was with Bush as of 2008, so it is with you, now. Same BS, different ni&&er in the White House.

There ARE no terrorists in any of those places you named except the ones America made, so your transparent chess moves to act on “illegals” and your lame-ass talk about terrorist attacks that don’t exist, and your bloodthirsty need to demand more funding for war machines that benefit only rich white guys who are already laying on blankets infused with innocent blood aren’t cutting the game any more.

America STAYS at war and can never come out of it, incredibly enough, over the nuances of private profiteers who don’t mind killing anyone and everyone in order to steal what they want from others. The Bible and Christianity doesn’t back America on this ungodly non-ending warlust, so you can lay down the “christian bullshit” emphasis on this very day and from now on. You cannot convert a world when you yourselves are not reconciled nor consecrated to God. You cannot take a toothpick out of the eye of a brother when there is a 2×4 board stuck in your own.

If the absolute truth doesn’t get told about America and its sinful acts of war and hatred and lust and vice in the sight of Almighty God, then the truth eventually tells on itself.

As a matter of fact, it already did.


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