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Will You Join Michael Moore’s ‘Non-Violent Disruption’ of Trump’s Inauguration | Urban Intellectuals

Will You Join Michael Moore’s ‘Non-Violent Disruption’ of Trump’s Inauguration

by | Dec 12, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

“If by some awful happenstance Trump shows up to be sworn in on January 20th, I will be there helping lead the national protest and non-violently disrupting the inauguration of a man no one other than the electoral college elected — and I’ll also be doing my own thing as a private citizen (activities I won’t disclose now),”

Documentary filmmaker sent this in an email to The Hollywood. In full he wrote:

The question assumes [Trump] will be inaugurated. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this election, don’t assume anything that’s supposed to happen will. If I had told you a year ago that a socialist would win nearly half of all the Democratic primaries and caucuses (22), that would have sounded insane. If I would have told you that a candidate bragging about his sexual assaults or attacking a Gold Star family would be his path to winning, you would have ended this interview. If I would have told you that Donald Trump was going to win, you might have called upon a family member of mine to do an intervention. Oh wait. I did say that! Why was there no intervention?!

If by some awful happenstance Trump shows up to be sworn in on January 20th, I will be there helping lead the national protest and non-violently disrupting the Inauguration of a man no one other than the electoral college elected — and I’ll also be doing my own thing as a private citizen (activities I won’t disclose now).

I expect the Republicans to call a Saturday session on Jan. 21st and start enacting an assembly line of legislation, passing bills into law by voice vote, and rushing them up Pennsylvania Ave. for Trump’s signature. This impending disaster requires everyone to get involved now — all hands on deck! This is not a drill!

Will you be joining him?

Src: THR

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