No More Questions, No More Doubts: Donald Just Put the Final Nail in the Coffin on American Racism

by | Dec 3, 2016 | Opinion | 0 comments

There will be no more debating the matter after this day. You can put your hypothesis and “what-if” scenarios and ‘if-and-buts’ away.

Racism is alive and well in the United States of America and you can stop asking yourself if you saw what you saw or heard what you heard. You did.

Racism never went anywhere, it was just momentarily underground until President Obama’s election gave the cockroaches who carry its disease in their fly-wings permission to come out of their hiding places and proliferate. Through places like FOX and, as well as the forebears of these supremacist organizations like Stormfront and of course, the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazi Aryan Brotherhood, FAR be it from non-murdering peacekeeping educational organizations like the Nation of Islam to counter the poison and snake venom of American racism, for they will be known as reverse-racists just for fighting back.

As long as Black Americans, Pan Africans, African Americans, Afro Americans, Afro Latinos, Negroes, Coloreds, People OF Color, or whatever white-infused race label we are calling ourselves these days…continue to live with and honor and worship that bastardized nearly 250 year old Constitution and all of the slavery and capital racism that was written into and embedded in it, into its culture, its flag, its national anthem, and its state constitutions by operating mandate of federal law, it will stay that way forever, too.

The United States Constitution had no outlook or future visual acuity that stated Black people in America would ever be free, let alone equal. It did not foresee a future with us Negroes as a free people, and that remains the case to this day. The Civil Rights Acts (both of them) and Voting Rights Act are only temporary appendages (closet hanger laws) that are revocable at white-skinned will.

Pretense or no pretense, jaded or not, in denial or not in denial … America is racist as hell. It always was and always will be.

And even worse? Black folk, ad majorum, have gotten so accustomed to the abuse that they/we have learned to overlook it and forgive it and let it carry on, with “business as usual,” no matter what they do, how they do it, or why. Like an abused woman who says “It’s okay” and keeps taking ‘that horrid man’ back until he kills her slap dead, we allow it, and we learn to live with it, obey it, bow down to it, give in to it, and even say “That’s life,” when what we SHOULD be saying is “That’s death and we will have no more of it.”

Let’s take a look at Donald Their President and what we know about his history, MOST of which is definitely racked and stacked with what his kind have faithfully referred to as things that “niggers” do, over the span of his lifetime.

1) Ku Klux Klan parentage and inheritance;
2) Pimp Father who was notorious for being a hustler and gambler who did not come by his earnings as an honest hard-working man;
3) Learned how to “game the system” at an early age and use OPM (other people’s money) to make himself a fortune and some fame;
4) Frequents brothels and hustler houses where he has picked up every one of his wives, four times divorced and all with plenty of ‘baby mama’s’ for the taxpayers of the United States of America to have to pay for for the rest of his, and their, life;
5) Boldly stated that he’d screw his own daughter if she wasn’t his;
6) Accused of raping underage minor girls and likely did, history considered;
7) Known John in many whorehouses around America and other nations like Slovenia, some of whom he was screwing around with are the same women that Bill Cosby allegedly “raped”; (which charges against Cosby mysteriously ‘disappeared’ after Trump was selected president-elect by the Electoral College over and above Hillary Clinton’s obvious win);
8) Committed enough crimes of fraud and theft and told enough lies, even as a half-assed non-politician politician, to have sent anyone else to prison for decades if they did not have white skin and as much pretend whitepaper money as he does;
9) Was insulted by Dr. William H. “Bill” Cosby when he kept saying he was going to run for President. Mr. Cosby stated that Donald was a “joke” and needed to either “shit or get off the pot,” so when he decided to vindicate himself, the first thing he had to do was wipe Bill Cosby off the map. Knowing that people would listen to Mr. Cosby if he told them not to vote Trump, he had to silence Cosby’s voice before he made his bid. We’re certain Mr. Cosby still thinks he’s exempt from American racism, but Donald handily and swiftly proved otherwise;
10) After everything Trump did and said to rile the racist masses in America, from ridiculing the disabled to layering hate speech on top of hate speech about Blacks, women, transgenders, gays, Mexican/Hispanics, and anyone else who isn’t rich and white and male, STILL got elected President-elect of the United States. If he’d been Black and his name was Barack Obama, he’d have never gotten a Senator’s seat in Illinois, let alone become President of the United Snak … I mean, States.
11) Has been “pretend playing” Toyland Phantom President like a two-year old kid in a candy store even though the Electoral College has not yet certified him as President, nor has he been sworn in yet … and MUCH MUCH MORE.
12) Not vetting appointees to national office, but repaying personal favors as if running the nation is his own personal business. He doesn’t have a clue what he is doing, and he’s surrounding himself with unvetted cabinet members who have NO experience and who are going to lead to his ultimate downfall. The Lord God told us to pray for our enemies. He never said WHAT to pray for them. Read Psalms 35 and 37. King David knew what to do when it came down to his enemies, we should know what to pray for ours.

In short, “that” Donald proved that he could be a racist, a bigot, a liar, a thief, a whore, a cheat, a pimp, a loose mongrel dog, act like a thug, grab pussies and brag about it, spit on anything and anyone who gets in his way, threaten anyone who dares to tell the truth about him, throw shit fits and temper tantrums on the media while simultaneously doing everything in his power to sabotage his own position … and the ENTIRE NATION -sight unseen by those who oppose him- not only applauds him and/or looks the other way, but “accepts” it.

The same folks who scream about it also refuse to run a battering ram into his over-used buttocks in order to make sure the Electoral College knows that Donald is to never EVER sit in President Obama’s seat, or any other seat from which he thinks he is running a nation he won’t really be running. He’d have to BE President Obama to get shut down by his own; but NEVER the racist white guy. Van Jones called the Doughboy’s election “whitelash” just to hit back at Blacks and the whites who supported OUR President Obama.

At first I disagreed with that assessment, but it actually IS hatred against Black people -President Obama in particular- that gave rise to Donald Trump.

Without that race hatred, Trump would NEVER have been considered a viable candidate; let alone have gotten as far as he did. We can only pray that those who voted for him will regret it and be heartily sorrowful before the NEW year is over. God can only show the world at-large what America REALLY looks like; and this is evidence a-plenty that the Black people in this nation have NEVER been this country’s problem. It has ALWAYS been them. Trump is proof of what we’ve been saying for centuries about this nation.

We no longer have to hide it or run from it. There is nothing else left to challenge.

Surely enough President Hillary Clinton actually won the election by more than two million votes, but the Electoral College had already been hand-picked by racists and other scumbags who were determined to make a point about this being a “white man’s country.” And that it is, with Black people’s continuing permission, too.

Black folk, for the most part, experience some very strange changes in their attitudes, behaviors, learning abilities, and even their thought processes when they are around and/or subject to white people ‘in general’. This is due to the high concentrations of slave-mental/white nationalist history in America. And don’t even begin to broach the subject of the actual structural genetic and DNA changes that happen when Blacks are around white supremacists.

The difference in attitude and the unwillingness to become what God created us to be from Day One is highly visible and emphasized when a supremacist walks in the room and begins to rant about how impotent, I mean imPO-tant, they are. Most of us Black folk tend to become disaffected frozen layabout zombies who lay down like we’re still living on those plantations. We wince, brave the cold, launch a protest that will die before it hits the ground, and then roll over, play dead, and prepare ourselves for the next beating. Already know The Drill.

This latent subservient and subjective behavior is what lends credence to what white people say about Blacks being on this planet for no other purpose than to serve them, or die.
All evidence current appears to point to that as being the absolute truth.

However, it’s not because of natural inferiority or physical structure, it is because we have become as the abused woman who takes her “lover” back over and over again, forgiving him and hoping he will “act better next time,” while forgetting that each beating gets worse and worse until she is SLAP dead. The belittling, the beatings, the constant berating, the brutality, it’s all part of her -the Black US- not knowing how to exist or sojourn in the land without being brutalized and tormented while in the permanent clinches of the obsessive need of America to control us and make demands and rights to us and our belongings and rightful inheritance that they were never entitled to from the Beginning.

We Black folks in the U.S. are ETERNALLY married to a nasty bastard of a white man who doesn’t want us and prefers that we just drop dead and leave him alone; yet, we keep clinging, crying, begging, bowing, bending over, spreading our ass cheeks wide, appealing to a humane decency that is not capable in an inhumane planet bastard; and then accepting his rules as legalized law whether it is to our benefit to do so or not, to wit the following outstanding overlapping symptoms of abuse that have become acceptable to the majority of us:

_Actual or threats of physical violence;
_Actual or threats of sexual violence;
_Emotional or psychological abuse (e.g., name calling or putdowns, threats to “out” a person’s sexual orientation to family, work or friends);
_Stalking and harassment (e.g., excessive calls/texts/emails, monitoring daily activities, using technology to track us down and keep us in control);
_Financial abuse (e.g., withholding money, ruining credit, stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job, the use of ‘token blacks’ as a ruse to shade our perception of reality);
_Threats to “out” a person to family, work or friends, et al;
_Hitting, punching, kicking, shoving, choking or slapping you (police brutality);
_Using weapons to inflict harm or threaten you (black on black violence and police brutality);
_Controlling what you eat, drink, where you live, or what you live with;
_Forcing you to do low-paying work against your will and threatening to cut off all assistance if you refuse to be a slave to his will;
_Enticing you to use drugs or alcohol or to buy into their porn and various deranged sex addictions;
_Stopping you from having access to medical treatment or calling the police, who will abuse you for calling them for help;
_Attacking your values and sense of self worth and that of your children and future generations to come;
_Insulting you, calling you names, criticizing you, humiliating you;
_Acting jealous or possessive when you try to leave, but telling you to “go back to Africa” because he could not survive without your cheap or nearly free labor;
_Withholding affection of acknowledgement of internal accomplishment and self-achievement in order to punish or demean socially or psychologically;
_Cheating and Lying to you;
_Threatening to hurt you, your loved ones, your pets, your children, or your possessions (Guaranty of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is a white man’s law only);
_Controlling the time you spend with others, or monitoring where you go and what you do by using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, et al;
_Controlling what you wear, often with the accusation that you attract too much attention (ie, book-bound laws about wearing certain “black” hairstyles or even “saggy pants” or hoodies, which is entirely unconstitutional — but the Constitution doesn’t apply to Black people or African Americans, or anyone who is not white);
_Damaging or stealing your belongings and the convincing you that legal restitution -the obligation to restore and ‘make whole’- is not an option for people who are not white by constitutional mandate;
_Blaming you for the abuse, saying that you deserve what happens or that you instigated the problem;
_Gaslighting, i.e. saying things to make you question your perception of reality, such as “That never happened, you never remember correctly,” or “Don’t get angry over such little things, you’re too sensitive.”;
_Manipulating or demanding that you to perform sexual and other twisted acts of self-oppression that you normally would not;
_Insulting you in sexual and perverted ways (“Big Black Bucks,” “baby mama-drama,” “welfare mothers,” “Jezebels,” “sapphires,” “monkeys,” “apes,” or any such animals that are not a reflection of who we are, but of what they know themselves to be, etc.);
_Refusing to allow birth control medication or devices and forcing unwanted pregnancies (Shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics and other means of self-protection against unwanted diseases and undesired pregnancies);
_Forcing you to have an abortion, submit to involuntary sterilization, -or- preventing you from getting an abortion, regardless of your wishes. Your only choices are what they choose for you;
_Preventing you from having access to your own economic structure without white control (i.e., economic apartheid over your efforts and well-being when it is not directly tied to white profiteering on demand);
_Monitoring how you spend money and deciding what can or cannot buy, i.e., Zig Ziglar’s sales tactic words “we want prospects, not suspects.”;
_Stealing your money by the use of Wall Street and/or corporate and other mechanized banking and monetary devices intended to treat human beings as ATM machines while simultaneously removing the social assistance that is needed to make ends meet;
_Demanding inhumane and unequal treatment between Black and whites of those who apply for government assistance for rent, food, childcare, etc.;
_Sending you insulting or threatening messages over text, email or social media (via fake profiles, fake news crawlers, and online stalking as well as other means);
_Using social media sites like Facebook to adorn fake profiles and track what you are doing and where you are;
_Looking through your phone and checking your call history, texts, pictures, etc.;
_Following you, Spying on you, including cyber-stalking with the closed-end permission of the FCC to decrease your constitutional right to privacy… Just to name a few.

Never forget, but get over it you must.

Never forget, but get over it you must.

All is allowed for by the United States Constitution through the auspices of historically inherited white supremacist birthright and nationalism.

Most is continued due to Black America’s refusal to acknowledge and do anything about it out of fear, shame, intimidation, or because of the feeling of actual self-inflicted inferiority which has been driven by one racial terrorist and fascist-driven attack after another.

These American brutalities, abuses of powers, and acts of domestic terrorism having been passed on and translated during and over hundreds of years and many generations of time.

We have also been guilted into and psychologically trained to pour “plantation poo-poo” over own kith and kin as soon as they see it and call it what it is and dare to speak out on it.

THE END. Literally…

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