Stevie Wonder Says Voting For Trump Is Like Asking Him To Drive

by | Nov 8, 2016 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

“If you had an emergency situation and needed to go to the hospital, and you had to get there right away, would you want me driving your car?”

The reporter replied, “no” and Stevie added

“Because I’m not an experienced driver, right?”

Ha ha, nice one Stevie, always the joker! But Stevie Wonder had a serious message, talking after his Get Out The Vote concert in Philadelphia on Friday.

At 66 the veteran musician and beloved icon has seen a lot and his analogy was regarding Trump sitting in the driving seat of America.


He slammed Trump’s negative remarks regarding women, Muslims and Latinxs and said that he hated the idea of the “last years of my life in a place of pessimism” under a Trump presidency.

So who is he voting for?

“This is not a reality show. This is life in reality,” he said. “So I’m with her because I believe in where we are, and where we are going to go. I have always believed that America is great. We’re just going to make it greater.”

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The image came from Wonder’s carpool Karaoke appearance;

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