12yr Old Discovers That All But One United States President Are Directly Related

by | Aug 29, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

Have you ever heard the phase, “Presidents are selected and not elected.” Welp, it looks like we now have proof that all presidents are selected in order to serve a “particular” agenda. The proof is undeniable, but we will let you be judge on if it is valid or not.

What do you think? I have to be honest, I always believe that the people were being fooled into thinking they actually had power over who ran the country. That would literally be too much power for the people. Lets take a look at this objectively. How in the hell did the most corrupt and racist country on this earth elect a black president. Let’s stop with the nonsense that alot of black and latino people turned out to vote. President Obama was selected. The campaign was perfect. John McCain was the perfect opponent. Similar to how Donald Trump is for Hillary. But, I digress.

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