There was never a “white jesus,” and we, as a People who have yet to discover we are a People, have been aware of that for quite awhile.
White Jesus is so over for us, and I think we (Black folk) are all pretty much schooled about the truth by now. Those who aren’t knowledgeable truly need to pick up a REAL Black history book and get to reading, and that includes the Bible itself.
The Bible tells no tales, allegories, parables, stories, or news reports about a “white Jesus” anywhere in its 66 chapters of pages. It barely contains any stories about white people -period- until it mentions Caesar Augustus and a few others in Rome and Greece. The Savior and Son of God did not “change colors,” He was never white in the first place.Whatever the case, religion and white Jesus have never been Black people’s root problem. It is the only thing that has kept us from killing ALL their white asses slap dead, and truthfully, one another as well.
The ROOT problem with Black folks is the lack of trust.
We have an inordinately easy ability to stab each other in the back and betray one another, inside and outside of family lines. The root of our problems are within the divide that remains between Black women and men because of rape, molestation, cheating, affairs, theft, mental vice, financial morass, and everything else one can name.
We can’t trust each other as Black folk, and that goes without saying whether we believe in God or not, go to church or not, or have any religion or not.
Religion isn’t causing the problems we have, we are.
Most religions tell people they are supposed to do just about everything EXCEPT what they often choose to do.
We can fake the funk in church, but the fruit (i.e., actions) is what is telling the truth about our ROOT (who and what we really are inside.) Believe a person when they SHOW you who they are, religion or no religion at all.
Until THAT is resolved, any religion or the lack thereof and nothing else we do, is going to do any of us a bit of good. The least we can do is “keep it one-hunned” about that.
Religion has never been the problem: Hatred and jealousy is. And for those who do believe, God did not stutter when He said ‘DON’T’. There was nothing to read between “do” and “not.” There is no other interpretation of the word “NO”.
No one has to believe in a “god” or a “white jesus” or even in the Son of God, Yahushua Himself, in order to partake of that eternal infernal vice grip on our Black Life that often doesn’t seem to Matter even to us.
Hatred and jealousy, from the beginning of time, is the bane of our moral existence on this planet.
It certainly does not help that white racism and white supremacy makes our lives, and life on the planet FOR EVERYONE period, even worse.