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4U Black American Women In Here: The Intellectualist’s Anointing of Black American Men | Urban Intellectuals

4U Black American Women In Here: The Intellectualist’s Anointing of Black American Men

by | Jan 9, 2015 | Opinion | 1 comment


For the most part, being an intellectual means a lot of things, and mostly it means trying to keep people who have fallen by the wayside awakened and aware of everything that is going on around them, without fail and without repentance for what we do that has to be done.

We are hard-pressed to use fictional characters in order to make a point; however, when there is a point, there is a point no matter how it comes to us. Truth is truth. In this instance … It is TIME and long past time overdue for the “feminist” Black woman of America to get on Board with supporting and upholding our Black men.

There are plenty of examples to be had amongst all men of all races for reasons to turn on them and forget about it; however, there are so many MORE examples and reasons for us, as Black women, to pull together and let our Black men know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in their corner FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS, and not just for any reason whatsoever. You who are mothers of sons and adult sons, and the aunts of nephews, and the grandmothers of young Black grandsons already know where we are headed with this.

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Maybe we want to talk about it as if they are not needed, but when it comes to what is happening right now in Black America, in this day and age, not only do they need us, but we need them, too.

There is no more time left for “reality TV WSHH ho-show” drama and stipulated discombobulated mess going on in our own personal lives, whatever it may be — this is about the future of Black America IN TOTALITY.

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If the “anointed they” are really trying to use mainstream media, as it was rumored across the software waves, in order to keep us separated and infighting amongst ourselves, we’ll be amongst the FIRST ones to tell them ‘IT AIN’T WORKING.’

Time to put all hands on deck and get this movement moving forward once and for all.

We are in for a fight, the climax to the Fight of Our Lives in America.

We are the Miracle that we have been praying for, hoping for, wishing for, and waiting for.

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This, what we are living in now, is The Joshua Generation and the Good Reports from him and from our Brotha Caleb are on the way. For those who don’t ‘get it’, just say “You’re on the wrong side of history” and move onward, and do not look back.

The Good Brothas that we do have out here, and there are many amongst us, are not going to do this alone…and neither are we.

Keep up to date with everything going on in the Urban Intellectuals Universe.

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1 Comment

  1. Andrea Diaz

    I so agree with this post; it resonates with me. I could never fully understand the need for Black American Female feminism. It would seem to me the entire “label” is redundant as we are the first Woman and so naturally have always had a “place”. Racism, not withstanding, did not and has not diminished our regality or authority or lessened our inner power. I am an African-American Woman. I am a Woman. These two things should not put me at “odds” with my biological species other major component. The “angry” Black Woman is a trope, and a lie. The Black Woman as portrayed in media and through a horribly distorted cultural lens is a lie. It would seem we are only know by our “intimates”, and through those that have “loved” us and do love us. I can only assume that you feel a pressing need or perhaps an intellectual stirring to “call” to arms of Black Womanhood. It’s just rather disconcerting to me; I thought we were always already there? Perhaps it the neglect or Race as a whole to fully “honor” Women for all the contributions that makes us appear to be pulling towards seperate aims. It is also high time as you well know – to “abandon” those Blacks who will not join the fight. If you must be “cajoled”, “awakened” you are sleeping far to deep a sleep for this Cause. We must leave you – and focus on the living and INITIATED (the willing).


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