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9-year-old Tayler Williams starts her own lip balm business and becomes an author | Urban Intellectuals

9-year-old Tayler Williams starts her own lip balm business and becomes an author

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Black Businesses, News | 0 comments

A 9-year-old girl in Flint, Michigan is showing the world that anyone can start a business and pursue their dreams at any age. Tayler Williams is not only an entrepreneur who has her own lip balm business, but she’s also an author. To correspond with her business, Williams wrote a book called “I Like My Lip Balm.” 

Williams didn’t mean to start a business at 9 years old. It happened after a science project she completed for school. Her grandma helped her with the idea of creating lip balm for a science project. They decided to give samples by giving the lip balm to people on a Q-tip. Williams stated that she was amazed at how many people came to check out her science project. 

Williams sells her lip balm in church, school, and pop-up shops while her book is available on Amazon. Williams is amazed by all the money she’s made through her business but wants to give back to her community. Her goal is to take some of the money and build a playground for her school. 

As for her future, Williams isn’t just focused on lip balm. She enjoys her company and the awards it’s given to her and her family, but she doesn’t plan on stopping with lip balm or one book. She wants to continue to inspire other kids to pursue their dreams. 


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