UIMD: #WorshipingWhite: Black Folks Under A Spell or Trick of Some Kind, More or Less

by | Dec 6, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…

This is not made to make a point about Black and Afrocentric people exchanging their own souls for the souls of racists, oh no.

We can’t do to them what they do to us and still come out on the side of right. If it hadn’t been for us, they wouldn’t be here to cause such nasty problems and then try pretending that everyone is wrong except for themselves.

Where do they get these ideas? All too often, we allow them to believe that we are all wrong and white is right, no matter what.

However, Black worship of white people -any and all of them- is a precarious situation that has wreaked havoc on our heads psychologically for years, decades – centuries even. It has poisoned us, our food, our waters, our medicines, and the minds of our children.

[Watch the 1980s version of The Gods Must Be Crazy, the one before they tried to control the lead conversation in the “Age of Obama.” Allowing them to recolor slavery and Black disenfranchisement and act as if it really wasn’t such a bad thing is what will keep Black people subservient for life. You cannot take your place or position in this world if you keep allowing white folks to redraw anything and everything that doesn’t play in their favor, as if our lives are a removable revocable Limbo Stick game for them. We are not to be taken seriously because we don’t take ourselves seriously, that is their stance and it keeps them in control of our lives on one level or another, which is why we can still call corporate America a “plantation” of sorts, and it is just that.]

When they tell us to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT WE DO whilst they do not accept responsibility for what THEY do, then it’s our own responsibility to twist the stuff they are saying around in the right direction in order to get a True Picture of what we are dealing with.

What they are saying is that we bought into this idea of white supremacy, so what they do goes along with what we accept.

Their idea is that we brought this on our heads for kissing their behinds and allowing them to get away with it and bowing down and bending over for it. On that vein, they aren’t too far from the truth, even though it’s an assbackwards twisted truth at the outset.


Black folks in America could have had this racist mess under control a long time ago … if we had ever really wanted to and could keep it together long enough.

But Black America is often like an abused woman who thinks she has to turn over her will and give up her life to save someone else’s soul when their souls are still damned even if she dies in the wake of abuse.

Like someone once said, “Too many of us are busy trying to improve our position UNDERNEATH white supremacy, instead of trying to conquer it and get it gone.”

They think it’s the “Christian” thing to do, and by thinking so, it only weakens and waters down what has to be done’ and allows it to proliferate like maggots on flies. (On another note: “Might wanna try kicking Mr. Johnson’s ass, think about heaven later, as Miss Sophia (from The Color Purple) once put it.)



Fear of white people is the same thing as worshiping them, and we bend the knee and bow at the waist for it like some weirdo character from a bad slave movie, or a joke African character like “Friday” from the old Robinson Crusoe stories that have never seen white skin before and start to worship it, like this “non-melanated skin” is a god of some kind. They said Africa was “uninhabited,” but it had, in fact, been inhabited more than 200,000 years before they ever got there. Some of these Friday characters are white men in blackface, by the way.

They keep us caught up in this racist “trap” of theirs like a “Friday” or “Stephen” character from Django because we often act like we don’t have a REAL problem with it … we even ingest the racist’s poison and tell them it tastes good, and then feed it back to them in the form of profits and more validation.

They think they are too good to do bow down to others, so why do we keep bowing down to their supremacist ideas and actions like the Obama character that they caricature and ridicule in his face.

This bowing down to supremacy only carries over from one generation into the next.

Why do we do it, even if not physically, too many of us, in our HEARTS, MINDS, SPIRITS and SOULS, bow down to it. Why? We aren’t supposed to worship anyone but God, and they are not He. They never were, they never will be.



If you are a “Bible reader,” you should know by now that Black people practicing pagan worship and idolatry and trying to take the very place of God Himself is what brought hell and havoc on our heads by these white-skinned peoples.

If you are not a Bible reader, (or even if you are) let’s put it this way:

Man has proven himself thoroughly incapable of self-governance, so until we stop being “handled” and allowing others to control the conversation about who we are, what we are, where we came from, what we should do, how and when we should do it, and who should have it covered … we will keep repeating this scenario over and over and suffering as a result of it.

King David was never that cheap, unwise, or afraid of anyone or anything.

That said … Make a decision and stick to it.

If it is your “right” to worship white supremacy, then enjoy it, serve it well, and it will repay you in ‘like-kind’ AS IS exchange with exactly what you ask of it.

Racism and white supremacy will continue to rule the lands that we live in, from sea to shining sea….

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