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The God Genome, Part IV | Urban Intellectuals

The God Genome, Part IV

by | Jun 8, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

[Part IV of the Six-part Series “The God Genome”]

The Northern African people of Hebrew descent were sold off by their Arab brothers and sisters, Ishmael’s descendants mostly, and then shipped to western Africa.

Ever heard “They all look alike to me”? There is some indication in that statement alone that some of the Hebrew descendants were mistakenly mixed in with the native (Gentile) Africans of the middle continent and western coastlands, but for those who came to conquer and enslave them, they were all nothing more than a pack of “niggers,” (a wrong pronunciation of the word ‘Niger’) in their eyes.

They were sold out from the Mesopotamian area and Judah was ultimately seized and conquered by the Assyrians, the Egyptians and everyone else who could get their hands on the disenfranchised land and divide up the spoils.

Judah’s people (Jews), Esau’s people (Edomites), and the other children of Israel got mixed in with the other African Blacks. They were thrown into the slave ships with the matrix and carted off with their Gentile brothers and sisters on slave ships.

From western Africa, places like Sierra Leone, Gambia, Nigeria, and Ghana’s “Point of No Return,” they were all loaded together, packed in like animals, in some cases even worse than animals; and then transported — and if they survived the trip, they arrived in the west intact or out of tact, but they arrived — first setting down foot in Jamestown, Virginia, and/or at a place in Virginia called Point Comfort.

It may not have been a coincidence that the first slave ship was called “Jesus.” It was the ship of a pig.

The Bible, therefore, is nothing more or less than a series of reports and stories and letters/epistles written by Black and Hebrew men. These letters and reports were eventually compiled and translated into Latin by whites, who used the words of these Hebrew men against their own people, their own kith and kin.

What authenticates the Bible for me is that the ending states “You will not change the words of these reports or you will be cursed because of it.” If those Romans, and those Anglos like King James, were as superstitious as we know they were, they would have checked and double-checked to make certain there were no discrepancies in the translation, misspellings aside.

The other issue is that the Bible most assuredly speaks of the ultimate ingathering of these Hebrew men, Judah/Israel, and how their captors would be punished and destroyed in the end.

Why in the world would “Rome” or any other whites have wanted us to find out later on that God was going to redeem us and punish them, thus making he who had become the head our footstool?

Would they have risked that we would find this information out by translating it to English and then beating us (our ancestors) with a Bible that made themselves gods?

Yes, it is true…we weren’t supposed to read it for ourselves; but now when we read in the Bible that ‘these things’ (those things the Bible spoke of) shall not remain in or under their control forever, this is evidence enough that, indeed, it shall not. For we did learn to read it for ourselves, and are now in position to finally tell the total truth.

But back to the transAtlantic slave trade.

In this transfer, hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of Black people from hundreds of tribes across the African continent were lynched, raped, starved, brutalized, abused during slavery, and eventually abandoned and left to die after slavery was abolished in the mid-1800s. To this day, the United States of America, of all the western lands, has never gotten over its bloodthirstiness or addiction to free labor.

There has been some redemption in the form of sympathetic and empathetic whites, even a few of their Khazar friends, but whatever some do to salvage and redeem, others double back and try to destroy or re-cast us in the erroneous light of the origins of racism.

But Black people were never the “lazy” people they tried to say we are.

Even as we speak, they are now designing robots that are paid for one time and that will never need a salary, benefits, medical care, or even so much as food to eat or water to drink. These robots are being engineered to attend and cater to the needs, wishes, and desires of their “owners.” Eventually, some of them have to become “sex-bots,” that is how they roll.

But no one should be surprised if all incarcerated persons are let out of prison systems soon enough, as there will be no further need for their unpaid forced human labor.

If they can’t get people to work for free one way, they’ll take it another.

Note carefully: We are now living in such a time when food and water is not secure or stable, chemtrails are poisoning the air and atmosphere, chemicals meant to heal and help us are only making us sicker and weaker, the lives and minds of our families and children are being systematically destroyed with educational systems designed to keep us compliant and complacent, as well as lost and hopeless—and the so-called “American dream” has manifested itself into nothing more than the Great American Nightmare.

Some people pray about it, others work to do something about it.

Yet we don’t seem to be able to close the gaping wounds long enough to be able to heal, let alone to heal ourselves.

We are, to this day, continuously raped and ravaged by the entire world.

We don’t self-heal because we have even betrayed one another to get our hands upon something that ultimately turns out not to be worth the trouble or the familial disconnect.

This is not conducive to a fear-free love of one another, neither does it facilitate the nurturing trust that it is going to take for us to heal ourselves and one another.

Our own “god-complex” is in our churches and our schools, in our institutions and organizations, as we scuffle for power that we do not have in white-mania world; and as we fight with one another and argue and tussle over superiority and supreme “above it all-ness” amongst our own kind.

We model that behavior, that which is not community-focused and unity-minded, off those who think they are better and richer than God Himself.

That, too, must pass.


The Chained Heart

The Chained Heart

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