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The God Genome, Part I | Urban Intellectuals

The God Genome, Part I

by | Jun 8, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

[Part I of the Six-part Series “The God Genome”]

I do believe in God.

I do believe that the Lord & Savior of the Bible, Yeshua (“God is salvation!”), talked about ‘the devil’ (Satan, formerly known as the angel, Lucifer), and that there are demons to be dealt with and conquered. For anyone to say elsewise is to call Him, our Lord & Savior, a rank and file liar.

God is not some ‘white man in the sky’, nor is He a “Blessing Claus” who rains down financial and material blessings on a tithe and a prayer.

By way of explanation, it is our obligation to do good as God has blessed us with good; and when we are faithful and obedient, there is no receipt that can be presented to God for reimbursement or a raincheck for later use. No, God does not pay premiums for us to do the right thing. And He did not stutter when He said “Thou shalt not.”

Some say “Well, God does this and does that, and then tells us what we can and cannot do.” Well, kind of sort of d’uh factor hanging around there somewhere. Whenever we make a world and get around to making flora, fauna, people, animals, habitations, and endless tons of water on it, and then can suspend it in a universe the same way we hang on a pair of earrings, we can do whatever we want to do with it, too.

Yes, scientists have found the bones of an African woman who is more than 200,000 years old and she is referred to as Mitochondrial Eve. No bones were found to pre-date her existence. However, she was not God or “a” god. Had she been God or ‘a god,’ there would have been no bones to show her existence on Earth. No one has ever found the grave of a god, even the one who did come to experience literal physical death. Kings, queens, pharaohs, and prophets, yes; gods, no.

Black women have been entrusted with the Earth of God and have been given a great and vast responsibility that no one else has ever been given or ever will be given. God has told Black woman “I trust you.”

To believe that any human being is “a god,” or is God is to suggest the same thing that led to the downfall of mankind in the first place.

Satan tried to overthrow God, got kicked out of Heaven. According to the Word, Satan in the form of a serpent, presented itself to Eve and told her that if she ate of the “fruit” (whatever kind of fruit it was) of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good &  Evil, that she would be “like god – knowing everything,” but she, he, and it lost that battle. We’re still losing that battle to this day.

Man has always struggled for the eternal elixir of being god, of becoming the master of the universe, of ownership and control of all he or she surveys, of being on top of it all, “better than,” above it all, replacing the One and Only Almighty God Himself — and the only question left to ask is “How’s that working 4ya?

Mankind/humanity has always had a “god complex.” A creepy self-made arrogance that defies everything we know to be truth.

That belief system has never done anything except cause more problems for us, as if we need any more problems than the ones we’re already born with.

The Creator created earth, and all animals that live here were created by the almighty Creator.

The Creator, God/Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah, is certainly capable of miracles, but He has entrusted us to do right by one another and not to break the spirit of the law, the Covenant contract, as given. Intrinsically, we know right from wrong even when no one spells it out for us–nothing else matters.

If we do that, and stop doing the “thou shalt nots” of our own making, there would be no need for extraordinary intervention, or a miracle. We become the miracles that we seek.

 What about Satan?

What about it?

According to the Savior, the devil is real. It is not a red man with horns and a tail and pitchfork, but its existence is something that is described as netherworldly; beyond the realm in which we exist. It is our understanding that the devil himself was a former angel named Lucifer Son of the Morning who was kicked out heaven for posing and perpetrating about being a “god,” and trying to overthrow the Heavenlies of Heavenlies—the outer dimension of the heavens we see above us and in a place where no man can go in life or in death.

The devil did not come from the Caucasus mountains, but it does appear that he likely went there after being tossed out of the Heavenly of Heavenlies.

This is where white people say they came from (thus the word “Caucasian”), and then they eventually made their way through Northern Africa, Assyria,  Turkey and the Orient, being trained and taught there by the ancient African people of Mesopotamia, and then made their way over to or were taken to the Isle of Patmos, Greece, often known as the “Jerusalem of the Aegean.” Then from there, on over to Rome.

After Rome, the great Roman Empire, the conquest was on to take over the entire world; and they were well aware of which Africans (the ‘other’ Gentiles)  they could mess with and lord over. This is where a lot of confusion begins about who is whom and who did what and why.

Suffice it to say that, somewhere along the way, our own Judean ancestors got tossed into the mix through the Arab slave trade and the Edomites (the sons of Jacob/Israel’s twin, Esau). The Edomites were not white men, they were Israel’s blood cousins and therefore very Black and colored, some even brown, olive-complected, and red-skinned.

<Part II – continued>



The Chained Heart

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