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You Keep Asking for It: Time to Get off The Battleground and Into The Banquet Hall | Urban Intellectuals

You Keep Asking for It: Time to Get off The Battleground and Into The Banquet Hall

by | Dec 19, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

The battle cry has gone out all over the land, far and wide, for us to INGATHER and support Black business and BUY BLACK!.

That’s the cry, but will we heed The Call?

We have a few people in the nation who are committed to “live, breathe, and own” their neighborhood Black businesses ONLY, and not just the nightclubs, beauty and barber salons, and funeral homes.

For many of them, this has become THE DAILY WAY of life; and that has meant no access whatsoever to some of the cold hard technologies and over-bloated unnecessary “fancies” and amenities that we’ve taken for granted.

Businesses that don’t reinvest in Black America, in our communities, on any level that is good or great, without the poisons and toxins in our air, food, and water, serve no other purpose than to CONTINUALLY enrich those who consider our lives and futures as nothing more than at-large “perishable goods”

Now is the time. This is the hour.

Right now is the right time, as songwriter and Dove Award-winning recording artist, Babbie Mason says.

When you help build and grow one Black business, you help build and grow them all as they sustain and support one another and you, too.

Who knows, Boxcar could even be the groundbreaker CORNERSTONE anchor institution for the re-building of Black Wall Streets all over America? Not the fat tax-grubbing piggy-piggy ‘oink oink’ type of Wall Street in New York that does nothing but take our taxes and labor and pay homage with it to their elitist friends, but the kind of Black America “Wall Street” that provides an anchor and SAFE HARBOR for the SMALL INDEPENDENT BLACK BUSINESS PERSON and therefore, for the U.S. that is US.

If you haven’t started yet, start here – with the food (and many other amenities) that you need to sustain you on a daily basis.

Even if you do not live in the Atlanta Metro area, this is your Holy Grail and your Fountain and Foundation of Everlasting Youth and Abundance, so you can stop searching for it now.

It’s here and it’s not off the banquet table yet to bring one of these anchor businesses like Boxcar your way one day soon, but we have to begin at The Beginning.

Keep it growing and thriving abundantly, and together, we will ALL overcome … TODAY.


Atlanta is the "Black Mecca" of the United States

In Dr. King’s Country: Boxcar Grocers, Atlanta GA -The Black “Mecca” of the United States

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