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Yes White Teachers are Often Unqualified to Teach Black Children | Urban Intellectuals

Yes White Teachers are Often Unqualified to Teach Black Children

by | Mar 29, 2014 | Opinion | 1 comment

Says Heather Mac Donald, from The National Review Online: “Actually, what Ms. Smith-Evans should be trying to fathom is the black crime rate, which explains the school-suspension rate. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at ten times the rate of white and Hispanic males of the same age combined.

 Given such high crime rates, what do the civil-rights advocates and the Obama administration think is going on in the classroom — docile obedience and strict self-discipline? In fact, the same weak impulse control that leads to such high crime rates among young black males inevitably means more disruptive behavior in school.”

Heather Mac Donald, The National Review Online


As a matter of background information. this racially disparaging ideology of hers came from some U.S. Department of Education statistics that said, in a nutshell, “Black preschoolers are 42 percent of the students suspended once, and 48 percent of the students suspended more than once though they are only 18 percent of preschool enrollment. Pre-K suspensions are exceedingly rare, however: Fewer than 5,000 students out of over 1 million preschoolers were suspended once in the 2011 school year, 2,500 students more than once. ” Ms Mac Donald then goes on to use this quote from the New York Times by Leticia Smith-Evans, interim director of education practice at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, in her racist NRO diatribe: “To see that young African-American students — or babies, as I call them — are being suspended from pre-K programs at such horrendous rates is deeply troubling.


I’m going to say this as quickly as I can, because I do tend to say too much at times–the thought being that saying more is better than not saying enough–but I’m going to hit that with a challenge.

Maybe the actual truth is that Black students can sniff a racist dog just like a real dog can sniff fear…and when they smell it, they go on their natural instincts to attack and defend themselves.

See, Ms Mac Donald -and her kind- are no more qualified to say that “Black” (skin color) crime rates equal school suspensions any more than she is qualified to write news articles that clearly show she doesn’t have an effin’ clue what she is talking about.

Maybe the real problem, Ms Mac Donald, is that white people are not qualified to teach Black students. Many of them apparently do not have the skills, the education, the cultural sensibility, or the acceptance of Black children as “astute enough to be able to sniff out a racist dog when they smell one.”

Black children are spiritually adept at recognizing “unfriendlies” within their midst, and maybe –just like any other human child on this planet-, they know when something is wrong with the adults they are around. Maybe the truth is that they react accordingly, by using “natural impulse control” to repel negative people that they know walk into a room with an automatic self-taught internalized hatred of them due to their genetic birthright inheritance.

When my sons were young and I was divorced, when men would come around me, my boys knew instinctively who was “up to no good” and which one of them were “good people” — friendlies, when it came to their Mom. Turned out they were always right.

So, with a hand full of exceptions notwithstanding, if a white teacher is incapable of handling a Black student without colorizing them and believe that the only solution is to suspend them because THEY don’t want to be bothered; or even if a Black teacher’s only solution is to ‘avoid and deflect’ to others for their own personal weak impulse controls and cowardice, I might add, maybe they simply aren’t qualified to be in the classroom in the first place.

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1 Comment

  1. Nanee Calhoun

    Yes I definitely agree with this article. I have witnessed the unfairness and non – understanding of our children.


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