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WTF: Male Trump Supporter Punches Woman Eating Dinner, In The Face! | Urban Intellectuals

WTF: Male Trump Supporter Punches Woman Eating Dinner, In The Face!

by | Nov 16, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

No one should be punching each other over political arguments but it’s no secret that trump supporters have been rallying behind violent rhetoric and reported hate crimes have been up almost 75% since Trump started running. Violence under Trump for some reason seems to be more accepted and reports in the days following his election have been heart breaking.

This story didn’t happen in a down trodden low income back water town (as the picture is painted by many about the people perpetrating violence), it was in a popular Brooklyn French restaurant.

A man literally sprinted towards a woman and punched her square in the face! A Trump supporter, because of a political disagreement. THIS IS NEVER OK!

On Saturday night a 49-year-old woman was at Bar Tabac in Boerum Hill with her friend. They were discussing the election. A man from a nearby table joined an they started arguing.

The man wanted the manager to kick out the woman but the manager moved him to another location in the restaurant. A fair response, I think we can agree.

The man apparently left the restaurant after paying then sprinted straight back in, b-lining towards the woman and punched her square in the face!


Leon, the manager, said:

“The guy came back almost running, and he started pushing some customer and the high-chair next to him with the baby because he couldn’t reach the girl,”

“Then he punched the girl.”

“The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure,”

On Monday, Bar Tabac posted a statement on Facebook.

We at Bar Tabac do not condone violence of any type or manner, especially in our own establishment; to the tough guy who assaulted a female patron of ours on Saturday night over a political conversation: Once the law is done with you, do not come back to Bar Tabac (this includes your partner). At a point in this nation when tensions are highest we need to come together now more than ever, we apologize to any customers who had to witness this vulgar outburst.

These stories are getting out of hand, we can’t accept violence in this form. I hope this isn’t the way things are now!

Story details from Huff:

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