Zion is an extremely special little boy.
The 8 year old became the first receiver of a double hand transplant for a child earlier this year and catching up with his progress he seems to be flying with recovery!
As the first child and youngest ever receiver of a hand transplant the docs were cautiously optimistic. Problems such as infection and rejection are possible in such complex operations but Zion seems to be beating odds.
At age 2 Zion lost both arms and legs to a severe infection. Back in July he became the youngest receiver of a double hand transplant during a gruelling 11 hour operation at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Recovery since has involved physical and occupational therapy many times a day.
At just 8 that’s a lot to handle but Zion is said to be an extremely hard working and spiritual boy.
After just a few weeks the young man was playing with action figures and eating pizza, he has a long road a head and it could take several years for his best recovery but he certainly is working at it.
It’s unsure how much dexterity he will regain but things look extremely good.
All I can really say is wow, what an example to us all. Zion is the man! A little man in size and age but a huge lion in spirit!!!!
More info and picture source: http://blackdoctor.