Marcus Garvey was an inspiration to millions worldwide. He taught pride, self reliance for black men and women. His message was clear and empowering.
Jamaica, a predominately black nation, is having some troubles. A messed up economy and outrageous crime. So, the education system has come up with an idea to try and help empower it’s people.
Garveyism will now be mandatory from kindergarten through high school. Respect and self-esteem, pride and personal responsibility.
However certain parts will be left out such as the “Back To Africa” rhetoric. I guess the country doesn’t want a mass exodus of it’s people! Also things like racial seperation and other controversial parts will be brushed over.
The Grio reported:
The program is a major rethinking of Garvey’s legacy in his Caribbean homeland. He was the first person named a national hero following independence in 1962, and the government put his likeness on coins. But it had declined repeated calls to use his teachings in schools, where history is not a required subject.
“The teaching of Garveyism in schools is something that politicians of all stripes have shied away from partly because of their own intellectual ignorance and partly because they don’t know what to make of this complex subject,” said Robert Hill, a Garvey expert who is professor emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles.
But Jamaicans take great pride in the achievements of a native son who created an international movement.
“We want all our children to believe they are important to what becomes of this country.
Through Marcus Garvey, we see what it means … to admit to no stumbling block that we cannot overcome,” said Amina Blackwood Meeks, the Ministry of Education’s culture director who led efforts to draft the Garvey-infused civics program.
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