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With Zero Knowledge of Coding, She Has Become a Millionaire from Building an App | Urban Intellectuals

With Zero Knowledge of Coding, She Has Become a Millionaire from Building an App

by | Sep 19, 2016 | Business, Positivity | 0 comments

Driven by her passion for fine art, she wanted to give her new apartment a better and more exciting look.

Tara Reed however realized that the project would be painstaking, laborious and a bit annoying.

If it was a case of looking for the latest fashion, food or movies, it would had been a matter of just tapping on an app where you are offered many options including personalized one.

But with fine-art, it was the same old labor-intensive journey.

This is what inspired Reed, who currently resides in Detroit to create a fine-art friendly app. Initially, she thought the project would mainly be focused on service just like in video-chatting.

It however became clear that her customers were very passionate about fine-art. They already knew what they liked, what they didn’t like, and it meant giving it a professional and personalized touch which was somehow daunting.

Having previously worked at Foursquare and Microsoft as a marketer, Reed was familiar with technology that could help customers easily find the desired products.

However, her lack of coding knowledge meant it would be difficult for her to come up with a fine-art app from scratch. But this didn’t deter her.

Rather than trying to learn coding, she opted to use existing technology and combine different concepts. This meant that her app would be nonjudgmental and relied on concepts that were well-known in the market.

In fact, during a recent interview, she stated that the approach made her work faster since she didn’t have to worry too much about coming up with the perfect app.

According to the latest statistics, Reed’s app together with her consulting gigs have netted her over $ 1 million and Ted has used her concept to educate and help other entrepreneurs to create apps despite having no knowledge or skills on coding.




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