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Why is “Elite” a 4 letter word? | Urban Intellectuals

Why is “Elite” a 4 letter word?

by | Aug 5, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Hello UI. I hear this term elitist being tossed around as if it was like saying bigot, or hypocrite. I often wonder is it truly something that we should so quickly dismiss as bad character. I for one have certain views on the subject that may not mirror those of others. I honestly believe that we should be elitist in life. It seems that as minorities we tend to simply accept poverty, mediocre behavior, and a certain lack of success, simply because we feel that we have been unfairly given a disproportionate share of wealth, and positions of power.


This is something I totally agree with. However… Why do we not hold ourselves in a higher regard? Why don’t we see ourselves as the originators of math, science, religion, ect..? Another question… Knowing what we minorities go through to even get our foot in the door in these systems… Why don’t we see people who are there as being flat out better than the average man? You have to agree it takes a special person to be CEO of a fortune 500… Especially a Black, Hispanic, Asian, or basically non-white person. The same goes for athletics. For a person to be considered “fast” they not only have to have an average speed compared to the next man, but a special ability to be fast. White athletes are praised for being on par with the average speed of what people consider an average black athlete, while now days a black man has to be insanely fleet of foot to even be labeled as fast.

The point I’m making in all my ramblings is that, we should be more elitist than not. At what point are we going to face the fact that in order to have success in life we have to be more than mediocre, and more than just good. We have to excel in all than we do to even receive the smallest recognition. So when it comes to us and the standard for ourselves, I feel that in order to actually make a difference, and change anything, we have to hold ourselves and our actions in a higher regard than anyone else in order to teach our children that they are more than what they have been told they are. We as a people should not accept anything less than perfection in life, for we have been given the proverbial “bad parts of the pig” for far too long to just accept a lower existence. So say what you want about the elitist way of life and thinking. However the fact is… It’s more than likely the only way we are ever going to break the model of ignorance and underachievement that e have been branded with, by those who would see us in this position, instead of the true nobility that we emerged from. I know I have pissed off a good amount of people… But whatever. So please… Let the discussion begin.


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