It’s Boot-Licking Lackey Time Again
Every year around this time, around the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration time and just before Black History Month, we have a long-running Soul Patrol Train of “new” Blacks who break out of their regular ol’ Big Houses to tell the rest of us how tired they are.
Tired of hearing about the history of America and its direct relationship to Black people, and about how we came to be where we are right now, and where we are headed in the future.
Every time I hear one of these anti-Civil Rights anti-Black History arguments from Black folk, it reminds me of some of the most lost, lonely, and fearful Black people (nee “African Americans” who don’t know jack about Africa) that exist in the United States of America right now.
Some are fearful of the loss of their “status” and “position” and decrepit mental homelessness in the white acceptance Klan, and others are just afraid of their own race and often their own skin color and hair textures and facial features. They seem to be busting at the seams to use the only power they have left in white America, their writing skills and voices, to play “Step’n’fetchit” to a white world that they wish would just accept them as “human beings,” and as “Americans,” when they obviously do not, did not, and NEVER WILL.
What is left but for them to lash out at a Black history that they did not build, nor work for? What is left for them to cry and whine about except how hard it is for them to go through racism with every tool in the world at their fingertips to defeat it, though their Civil Rights ancestors went through it with nothing and next to nothing at all?
Truth told, no young person in this day and age has any business being “tired” of anything. For them, it’s like waking up from 8-12 hours of sleep every day just to say “I’m so tired from sleeping, I think I’ll go back to sleep.”
Black Folks are the Only Ones Who are So Easily Bought and Sold Worldwide, Now Volunteering for What was Once Forced on Their Ancestors
If time, history, and the ACTUAL facts are telling the truth, we -us “tired” Black folk who are tired of tired Black folk who are tired of being Black- have rarely and seldom been accepted as human or as Americans by anyone who has the power or means to make the only difference that these “tired” Black people keep begging them for.
And the saddest part of it all? They missed the entire point of Civil Rights and why they should NEVER be tired “until justice rolls down like a mighty stream.”
Let us forget for a moment that Black people are the only people on the planet who are told to ignore or flush our history AND LEGACY down the drain as if it is nothing more than a used piece of toilet paper. (We are certain that their white “American” friends wish they would). Forget also, for another moment, that the United States of America and its federalist reserve oligarchs have paid BILLIONS of dollars, RECENTLY, in reparations to nations to which it did no direct harm. Paid them just because they felt “sorry” for THEIR “tired old dead past history.”
Let’s focus on the REAL issue at hand: The damage that those “tired of it all” Negroidals do to the Black community internally. The damage to our OWN souls and entire strength as a people, to our intellect and intestinal fortitude, when they practice the internalized race-baiting laws of James Crowe, III, Esq., and the unhealthy non-healing attitudes of his backwoods mentally dilapidated cousin, Willie Lynch.
That old saying “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk” comes smack to BROAD daylight every hour of a day that they bother to breathe. One can easily understand how white America kills Black children playing in the streets or walking home from Anywhere USA, or even guns them down while sleeping in the beds at night, with impunity … and then gets away with it like it’s nothing; especially when you understand how much these “tired-@$$” modern-day Blacks contribute to it.
It doesn’t occur once to their juvenile minds that if a white person walks up to them and says “Oh my! Now I am afraid to say anything about CHICKEN or WATERMELON because you (Black person) might get insulted,” it is a SURE SIGN that they are about to say something racist as hell. They have announced ahead of time their full intent to launch a pre-emptive strike to sneak in a racist wisecrack attack by making an apologist disclaimer first.
To those who say “I ain’t worrying myself about the race piece,” we await the moment of pre-anticipated pleasure when the “race piece” starts worrying about YOU. It always does.
To those who say “I don’t do politics.” Well, politics most assuredly DO YOU. For those who have not worked have now sat down at the table to eat the fruit of other people’s labor.
A Burning House
Martin Luther King Jr. well said when he said “ “I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know we will win. But I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house. I’m afraid that America has lost the moral vision she may have had. And I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears the soul of this nation. I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house.”.”
This “I’m tired of that Civil Rights Movement” apologetics style means nothing except that SOME Black people are so intra-racially bigoted against their own history and their own ancestors that they unwittingly allow and open the door for unbridled, unfettered, non-retributive racism to continue.
When We Get Tired, Racism Will Be Dead and Gone. Until then…

Mourning to Dancing, Sorrow to Joy
…The Ashkenazi/Khazarian Jews forget Hitler and become grateful for the Holocaust because they should understand that without thousands of murdered Jews, America would never have been put in a position to babysit them for all eternity;
…Rape victims thank their rapists for not killing them instead;
…Immigrants forget how badly Donald Trump and the Tea Party want them out of this nation or enslaved like “niggers on plantations”;
…Tamir Rice’s mother forgets that her 12-year old son was killed for being a Black kid playing with a toy gun;
…Trayvon Martin’s mother forgets that one George Zimmerman harassed, stalked and murdered her 17 year old son for walking home from the store in the dark while Black, who was then convicted post-mortem of causing his own murder on the grounds that he was acting like a teen while Black in high school as he prepared to go to college;
…The American Indians forget that their ancestors were poisoned, scalped, and run off their land en masse-and what was left alive of them were shoveled onto reservations like dirt;
…When Tutsis and Hutu’s in Rwanda acknowledge that the genocide of nearly one million women, men and children in Rwanda never happened;
…When “tired ass Black people” admit they are not tired of “that” Civil Rights Movement, but of white people approaching them like the covert racists they really are every time they see a Black person or someone mentions “that” Civil Rights Movement;
…When Aiyana Joneses grandmother admits that the seven year old actually died from rolling out of bed. If she had played dead when shot and not actually died, she would still be alive;
…When white people admit 911 was an inside stateside job, there were no terrorists involved except their own, and that they brought that horrible day and time on themselves by their own racist actions; and
…When white people finally get ‘tired’ of lying about OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby.
Until then, “tired Black people who are tired of THAT Civil Rights Movement” need to sit their tired dusty asses down on the back of the bus behind the virtual Colored sign that they create for themselves, and let the REAL Black folks handle this. For surely, those who have not worked for the hour will be the first to sit down to eat at a table that they have not prepared.
Meanwhile… We work HARD to end racism. BY ANY MEANS DAMNED NECESSARY! Repeat it until they get in line with righteousness or drop dead from hearing it, one or the other.
We leverage our ancestor’s history, yes THAT Civil Rights Movement and our history in the world before they were slaves, as reason for why we will not ALLOW it to continue, and we don’t get tired until THEY get tired and END IT.
Being “tired” is not going to change a damned thing in your black-privileged ‘token-sacred negro’ sector of America. If you don’t believe it, just watch.
Kizzy and Missy Sitting In A Tree
When they are done getting your “I’se tired of it all, Massa” speeches squeezed out of your Black soul so they can divide and conquer and then blame YOU for starting it; they are going to push your ‘Kizzy-kissing-Missy-Ann‘-azz on over here with the rest of us and tell you to drop dead with your own kind.