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Who’s Buying the F*ck Trump Bumper Sticker?: Fonesca Now Selling the Bumper Sticker that Led to Her Arrest | Urban Intellectuals

Who’s Buying the F*ck Trump Bumper Sticker?: Fonesca Now Selling the Bumper Sticker that Led to Her Arrest

by | Nov 28, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

Most of us have heard about Karen Fonseca, the woman who was threatened by Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls because she had a f*ck Donald Trump bumper sticker on her car. He was riding behind her and posted a picture of the bumper sticker to social media which read “FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTED FOR HIM.” He also threatened to arrest her for obstruction of justice because of the harsh language used on the bumper sticker; despite the fact that he would be violating her First Amendment right. And let’s not forget the fact that his President referred to a group of men as “Sons of Bitches” in a public forum.

Your President and his supporters love to impede upon our first amendment right when they don’t agree with what we’re saying. After seeing the post a few people politely informed the sheriff of Fonseca’s constitutional rights which he would be violating if he tried to arrest her. To which he responded by removing the post and then dug up a warrant from 3 years ago and had her arrested.

Now Fonseca has decided to sell the bumper stickers. And she made a new one as well, “FUCK TROY NEHLS AND FUCK YOU IF FOR VOTED FOR HIM.”

The proceeds are going to support voter registration for the elderly.

When Sheriff Nehls was asked about her new bumper sticker he simply said he’s not surprised. What he really wanted to say is he’s pissed because there’s nothing he can do about it.

By the way, I’m not buying the bumper sticker because I’m black and that stunt won’t fly for me but I still like the idea.

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