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White Woman Waving Gun, Saying ‘We’re Ready for Ferguson’ Accidentally Shoots Self in Head, Dies | Urban Intellectuals

White Woman Waving Gun, Saying ‘We’re Ready for Ferguson’ Accidentally Shoots Self in Head, Dies

by | Nov 25, 2014 | News | 0 comments

There are many stories coming out of Ferguson and the aftermath of the Darren Wilson case, but none more karmatic as this one. A young woman who purchase a gun to prepare for the looming unrest in Ferguson over the trial, shot herself in the head while driving home from the gun dealership.

Becca Campbell, age 26, was riding home with her boyfriend, age 33, driving the car on Friday night downtown St. Louis, according to the city’s Police Department. The boy friend was unidentified in the case, but spoke to the police and explained the incident and shooting death.

Becca-Campbell-Twitter-800x430-1Campbell and her boyfriend purchased the gun because they feared the potential unrest that would happen in the area following the Grand Jury’s decision. They wanted to be prepared just in case things went wrong, rioting ensued over the shooting death of Michael Brown.


Campbell was in the car waving the gun around and joking saying “We are ready for Ferguson” in a cocky manner to indicate they are willing to protect themselves with deadly force if necessary against any potential rioters in their neighborhood.

Campbell was in the car waving the gun around and joking saying “We are ready for Ferguson” in a cocky manner to indicate they are willing to protect themselves with deadly force if necessary against any potential rioters in their neighborhood.

The boyfriend, driving, ducked his head to get out of the way of the loaded gun and ran into the back of the car in front of him. The gun went off shooting Campbell in the head, accidentally. She was rushed to the hospital, but later died.

The shooting death is still under investigation, but one thing is for sure; KARMA IS A BITCH!

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