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White Man Arrested After Shooting BB Gun At Police, What If He Were Black? | Urban Intellectuals

White Man Arrested After Shooting BB Gun At Police, What If He Were Black?

by | Dec 31, 2014 | News | 0 comments

With all the police killings and beatings of unarmed, black people, one can’t help but wonder what would have happened if this 22 year old, Concord, New Hampshire man were black?

September 5th, 2014, Jesse Deflorio saw police officers pull over a car in a routine traffic stop, as they describe it. Instead of watching like normal bystanders, Deflorio decided it would be sporting to aim and shoot his BB gun at the officers during the traffic stop.

man fires BB gun at copsThe officers said their heard the shots being fired in their direction. Many of them hitting a nearby dumpster and bouncing off. They claim they were able to determine the shots were not from a real gun, but something different.

The officers determined the shots came from an apartment at 203 South Main Street, where they found Deflorio and two other men at the scene. No one was hurt or injured and the young man was charged with one count of reckless conduct. Deflorio was previously arrested for shooting a BB gun at random people in Concord. His bail was set for $5,000.


What if Deflorio were Black?

One can’t help but wonder what could have happened if the young man in this scenario were black? In light of the recent events around the country where black men are routinely not given the benefit of the doubt or mercy as it seems, we think the outcome would have been much different.

The officers more than likely would not have been able to “determine” the projectiles coming at them were from something other than a normal gun. They probably wouldn’t have approached the apartment building with such care as to find out what was going on first. And they more than likely would have charged the young, black man with much more than reckless conduct.

Yes, there is a lot of speculation in the last paragraph. But based on the recent events where a black man leaning on a BB gun in Walmart is shot and killed before turning around, a 12 year old with a BB gun is shot and killed with it in his waistband, and a subdued man is choked and killed on camera and all three killer cops walk free without a trial, there is no doubt that suspicion should linger throughout the black community.

However, we would love to hear your thoughts…..

Source: WMUR9ABC

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