There are white people in America, evangelicals who call themselves “christians,” and they will bother to tell you that their own “white” Jesus was not a Roman Catholic idol symbolic of themselves as gods, but in fact — they were lied to like everyone else.
Indeed, that is exactly where this idol they see and call “Jesus” today came from: Papal Authority in Rome, and nearly every Protestant church in America – pentecostal, presbyterian, episcopalian, methodist, baptist, cogic, what have you, is nothing more than a fallout from that catholic authorship.
Separate themselves from it all they want, there is no denying the history of it.
Most of today’s Protestant and evangelical roots are in that certain vagrant form of christianity rooted out of Rome that was allegedly founded by the Apostle Paul -who, according to the bible itself, preached the gospel of Christ in Rome.
History has proven there was an apostle by the name of Paul who “preached the gospel” in Rome, however when Rome got ahold of this gospel, they tainted it like they tainted everything else.
It became a paganistic idolatrous ritualistic and highly superstitious form of Christianity that was not representative of Paul’s roots in the Jewish tradition, nor of his call from Christ to spread the gospel beginning in Greece and Rome.
Not straight out of Jerusalem, this Roman Catholic symbolistic idol that they call “Jesus”, was actually modeled after an Italian gangbanger, thug, and terrorist by the name of Cesar Borgia, and that is established fact.
Some have even gone so far as to say that the Crown Royal of England by the name of King James was an undercover cross-dressing man-prowling boy-digging homosexual who may as well have been known as “Queen” James, but that has yet to be thoroughly established.
The revelation of truth says a lot. They can deny its roots if they want to, but they cannot deny its terroristic and ungodly impact on the world.
Oh no, the Islamic people are not the only religious people in the world with extremist radical behavior patterns. Jihad for them is the word “war” for Christians. Allah in the East comes out of the west as a generic term called “God,” or the symbolic name of “Jehovah.” Same thing, same extremism, different language and naming systems. They try really hard to represent themselves as “different” or separate from the Islamic extremists, but, in fact, westernized Christianity is just as extremist — and just as false.
We have noticed an influx of whitenized radical behaviors in Black Americans, including the infiltration of atheism itself into the Black communities all across the nation.
We see it portrayed in the Hollywood/Nollywood/Ghallywood movies and on television shows like “Empire” and “Scandal” and all the rest of those like it; but when we turn the television off and watch the real world (not the “reality world”) for what it truly is, this ineffective westernized “christianity” is at the root of nearly every evil the world has ever known.
The children of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the One and Only Most High of Israel, are are now turning their backs on the Lord God of All gods in record numbers -in droves- and there is no doubt as to at least ‘one’ of the many causes of it. Many of Judah’s Hebrew children are walking away from their own Savior, their own Messiah, because of the infiltration of a Roman Catholic idol named “Jesus.”
Many now refer to him as “white Jesus,” and that is the same “god” that some evangelicals, Black and white, will fling in your face on Sunday morning, and on Christmas and Easter (two other Roman paganism rituals) while they revert to evil practices in all of its forms on Monday through Saturday, and even immediately after their weekly ritual churchology on Sunday  mornings.
Anyone can just about guess how these multitudes of Black people, once staunch believers in the cross of Christ because of family heritage and tradition, stumbled into atheism.
The door to it was WIDE OPEN all along.
Though our legal and righteous inheritance came through the Abrahamic Covenant of our Ancient Eastern Ancestors, thus throwing off the ‘cloak and dagger’ of westernized christianity, this current form of it has absolutely nothing to do with Christ.
If it’s root were a good root from A GOOD TREE, it would produce good and profitable fruit for the spirit and soul, and not just some weak “charitable causes” that make them feel good about what they really are.
Folks that call themselves “christians” and/or “evangelical christians” in today’s western world, in today’s America, are no “shining example” of what original Jerusalem’s faith-based god-ordained “Christianity” was all about. And yes, Christianity existed long before Rome got their hands on it and nailed the belief system of God’s righteous people to a second cross.
Like the “Jesus” (hey-sus) of their collective Zionist imaginations, they have a “form of spirituality, but deny the power thereof.”
Now, the first thing that falls out of their mouths when challenged on these matters, is “Why do you lump all Christians together? We’re not all the same.”
However, most of them do the exact same thing to Islamic people. or to the people they refer to as Muslims. They lump them all together, and they are not all the same. God is no respecter of persons, and yet they somehow, these so-called ‘christians’ think they hold the magical keys to the empire of Christianity and simultaneously act like they own the master set of keys to the Gates of Hell when nothing could be further from the truth.
This past week, President Obama finally opened his mouth and said what he needed to have said all along: “Evil and atrocious deeds have been done in the name of Christianity,” and I paraphrased.
Of course they took it out of context, as they always do, but he is absolutely correct on that one statement alone, along with the others he made at the National Prayer Breakfast.
The President also made mention of The “Holy” Roman Crusades, but the excuse-maker evangelicals immediately went for the “christians trying to protect themselves against radical Islam” excuse when no such thing happened. The Pope started that fight – by invading the East, where he did not belong in the first place.
The Muslims never went to take over Rome in the name of any God, theirs or anyone else’s; and it continues to this very day. The West is over there messing with them IN THEIR OWN LAND. They don’t come over here, truly, unless they have to in order to defend their own.
These so-called “crusading christians” were high-hatting terrorists, it’s as simple as that.
Indeed. How are you, as a person who is not native to the Middle East (i.e., Northern Africa) going to take your man-made pompous-@ false religion and invade someone else’s land where you don’t belong and call it “in the name of Christianity,” with no mandate whatsoever from God to do so.
We can start with Republican evangelical political rule in America, and rewind all the way back to the early 1000s and get to the bottom of it, by any means necessary.
This kind of manifest destiny christianity has led to greed, selfishness, cruelty to animals and other human beings, lasciviousness, enslavement, child cruelty, homosexuality, porn, murder for fun, the making and sainthood of weapons of mass destruction and even guns, led to pagan beliefs, heretical practices, and to the very crux of slavery and racism and “white supremacy” and “white nationalism” that still exists now in the United States and in the West, just as it did from the very beginning when Rome and the Pope thought it ought to own and dominate the world.
And they still have their own Roman evangelical, Ronald Wilson Reagan, be he alive or dead, to thank for this latest bunch of cruel horse-hockey that describes itself as ‘virtuous christianity’ in the Americas.
Reagan was a sloppy, lying politician who spoke with forked tongue out of both sides of his mouth, whose campaign was spearheaded by a hateful and despicable racist; and everyone who was really paying attention at the time knows it. The only ones who seem to be utterly clueless about it are those who still hail him as “The Gipper,” to this very day, some sainted Republican “god” of their own making. He was a “gipper” alright, and that is not meant in the kindest sense of the word at all.
For people who call themselves “christians” or “evangelicals” and then engage in this type of behavior and refusal to acknowledge the truth, it only underscores the reason so many Black people are turning to atheism in record numbers.
They can’t be blamed for that at all. This “radical evangelicalism” is nothing to follow after, and certainly nothing to be proud of, let alone to believe in.
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan …” (Revelation 2:9).
Truth told, Judah’s children still do not know who they are yet, they have lost their identities, they were scattered to the Four Winds of Earth because of the disobedience of their ancestors in Judah; and they have received no prosperity or financial redemption or recognition in the world at this time; however, the eyes of many are finally beginning to be awakened to the ABSOLUTE truth about their own ancient roots and history in Persia and Mesopotamia, and in Egypt and Greece, as well.
Black Americans and Black people in the West have nothing to be grateful to them for.
They didn’t do any of us or our African or middle or far eastern ancestors any favors, and God never gave them a “manifest destiny” to ‘rescue’ Black people from Africa or from the Holy Lands. The Lord God didn’t tell them to go there in the first place, and as they have done exactly as they pleased — so shall they be destroyed unless they wake up themselves.
As many Black and Afrocentric westerners have their eyes and ears opened to the Absolute Truth about our origins in the East, and are finally becoming CONSCIOUS and aware and wide awake; and also are in the beginning processes of healing of the Nations by closing the wide open doors of lies generated by the “western evangelical sect,” all we can do now is pray for those who have leveraged those westernized lies to declare themselves as ‘black atheists’.
They cannot be blamed. They say that you can’t change “Jesus” into a Black man and make His non-existence or unimportance in the world if He did exist, something different. Well, first off, He can’t be “changed into” a Black man because He wasn’t a white man in the first place. Second, His Holy Name was not “Jesus” from the start. Start there and figure the rest out for yourself. It’s all there, written in stone and on papyrus …
and the Bible never speaks about white people in the western world. Not a word of it.
The closest the Bible gets to speaking about ‘white westerners’ at all is when Paul is sent to Greece and ultimately to Rome to preach the gospel to heathens, pagans, idolaters, and/or “Gentiles” about Christ — which had nothing to do with our people over in Mesopotamia, or in Israel, or in Judah, where many of our own ancestors came from. But again, they injected western paganism, idolatry, and superstition into Paul’s teachings and what came out of it was not what was given to them from the start.
We were not Gentiles, they were.
There is, indeed, such a thing as a Black Gentile, that is true … but we are not those people. However, they cannot be blamed for this political faux pas, and neither can we. They, like the rest of us, were not taught any better. But watching their version of “christianity” and all of the things they do with racial politics in America and all over the world [in the name of white Jesus, evangelicalism, and “christianity”] is as good a reason as any other to become an atheist … if you believe a word they say, that is.
The white and Black evangelical christians provide a definite justification for atheism while they claim to be so against it at the same time. Their fruit is their root.
True enough, none of this should have had anything to do with race or racism in the first place; but this original ancient and aboriginal people created by God from the beginning of time simply were NOT white. None of them were white people, don’t care what Hollywood or Netflix says. And of course, we didn’t start that “crude and strange fire” called racism that brought out the “crude produce” and “strange fruit” in this land, or in that one over there. It didn’t come from Black people.
This we know.