Which University Has The Most Graduating Black Doctors In the United States?

by | Nov 26, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

One University has gone from having a small science program in the early 50s to becomiing the University with the most graduating doctors and it’s all thanks to one man! The Unis former President Norman Francis.

He became the first black law student at Loyola University in 1952, went on to Xavier University in New Orleans. Here he worked relentlessly on the number of black doctors to graduate and created the high standards and numbers that we see today.

When he started there were only around 1300 black students, now it’s around 3000 and tuition fees are only around 20k a year, very affordable related to other medical programs.

It’s standards are high and it has more black graduates in this field than Harvard and Yale


Francis worked on bridging the gap before college as he realised black students were not getting the same standard of pre-college education. He said this was common sense and clearly it worked.

Xavier college has taken many black students from low performing schools and put them through their medical program to graduate at the top level.

Francis spoke on the subject and said “I used to say there was no relationship between being poor and being bright. I watched all of my life young people who were poor and very bright. But research shows if you are black and born poor, you are going to live in a poor neighborhood, going to go to a poor school, and by and large, you are going to stay that way. To come out of that system, you would have to rise much higher than other youngsters who had every resource.”

A great man doing a great service!

Details sourced from: http://bit.ly/1OjNOVF

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