Success Charter School in NYC has 3x the rate of suspension as public schools in NYC. The founder and director Eva Moskowitz says she’s a preparing students for the real world. These elementary school kids Kindergarten to Second Grade, that’s 5 year old to 7 year olds.
There are 65 infractions that a child can be suspended over and has a 0 excuse policy, no excuses for hunger, sickness or domestic violence. Pretty stick but is it working?
Per the test results yes, but are the suspensions really weeding out kids and forcing the parents to find alternative schools before mandatory testing starts in 3rd grade. Some parents say yes. When you have 1 child suspended 12 times of the 44 suspensions and 101 suspensions to 32 students. Again this is Kindergarten to Second Grade kids.
Demoralizing kids has never lead to healthy self esteem and love of learning. And given that her school seems to cater to African American Students and other children of color I ask what world is Moskowitz preparing these 5-7 year old kids for? Continued demoralizing?