What Obama’s Presidency Taught the World About Racism in America, Part 4 of 9

by | Nov 12, 2014 | Opinion | 1 comment

The Obama Years: The Beginning of the End

The Race Card: The Unintended Consequence

We are watching history repeat itself. None of this nouveau “hit’n’run apologist” right-flanking racism is truly new.

The old racism never went anywhere. It resurfaced as something that the younger generations had not seen or been able to verify up close and personal. They are just recent witnesses, front and center, to what their parents and grandparents and all others before them already knew and lived through. We saw that one coming, though we once believed that “ignoring it to death” would resolve it eventually.

President Obama’s presence in the White House has brought it all to life in Living Color, 4D, Blueray, Technicolor, and Google vision clarity with the “white vision night goggles” included.

This generation has seen only a glimpse of the world that came before them … so far.

It is just a glimpse because President Obama not only woke Black people up on this nation’s politics where they had been asleep for far too long, but it also stirred up the ugliest most debase maladjusted passions of some particular race-peddling whites who thought they had the “niggers” under lock and key and substantially quieted down with lollipop workplace concessions and “Jesus Juice.”

This Jesus Juice is not the alcoholic kind they used to swindle the Indians or that some little snitty kid used to swindle Michael Jackson out of money, but it is under the auspices of much mega-church big money pastorals, and such and much more.

Just as a side note: The incomparable “they” also thought welfare was “reparations.” It’s a fish bait race card they throw out time and again to see if they can catch anything in the hook. Uhm … if it ain’t reparations for white people who use it the most, it ain’t reparations for Black people. It’s also a long way from restorative reparations, which would break the World Bank if Black people ever got their s**t together.

Back to the topic at hand.

The terrorist attacks of most recent pale in comparison to the terrorist attacks their (our) ancestors had to live under for more than 400 years, before, during, and after slavery.

The older generations just did not have “Real Time access” to it like the younger people have now.

We watched it in horror from the side of our eyes and were paralyzed and unable to do anything about it, except march and file lawsuits, most of which did nothing to alleviate the problem — with the exception of some small scattered victories here and there.

The Black folks who tried to expose the social engineering in the background of this nation were easily taken down because other Black people did not want to hear it any more and were complicit in helping to beat back their own kith and kin. Support systems are expedient, but they gave up and stopped caring. “I got mine, don’t worry about his.”

In the end, we can play the Forgiveness Card all we want, but it does not excuse nor absolve these race-playing circus monkeys of the consequences of what they and their forefathers and foremothers have done.

Forgiveness is one thing, people not learning a lesson about what they have done wrong is another. If they have no consequences of their behaviors or actions, they have no reason to stop. That is the reason we are still seeing it to this day; it remains mostly “consequence-free.”


We have never seen white people, for the most part, live up to anything they tell other people to do.

Don’t want terrorists? Stop BEING one. Easy. [They aren’t in YOUR country effing with your isht, you’re in THEIRS. And you don’t want to pay them for the stuff, or pay them to work to mine it for you.]

The one thing that recklessly and incredibly enough comes out of their mouths when they are playing the race bait card (of which they hold all the Trumps and Spades in the deck to date) is blame-shifting and psychological transference.

“Why don’t YOU take responsibility for your own actions?” THEY say, Yet, they never do it.

They have never ever taken the responsibility for their actions which caused this day to come, and they never will if Black folks keep letting them get away with it and laying down, rolling over and playing dead to suit and upgird it.

The highly intended consequence of them talking about self-responsibility is that they who do it believe that their racism is, in their holy estimation, everyone’s fault except their own.

Even when they use the highly-charged political phrase “reverse racism,” they are only saying that their protected status under white supremacy should remain as given by history. But they will take a token Black person tossed into the collection every now and then just to ease their conscience about their own evils.

Here’s the difference between one Race Card and another:

Black Americans say stuff like: “They ain’t gonna let him win.” (Referring to President Obama who was believed to be a long long long shot back in 2008). Who the hell is THEY? THEY who? Oh… THAT “they”!

White folk say stuff like: “He shouldn’t be President because he _______.”

Fill in the blanks with whatever you’ve heard for the past six years — …is a nigger, …was born in Kenya, …has a Black monkey for a daddy, …doesn’t have a birth certificate showing that being born in Hawaii is legitimate, …is married to a loud-mouthed angry Black woman, …was born to a white Kansan female who fucked an African monkey, …is a stupid arrogant shitskin, …is not a real LEGITIMATE graduate of Harvard, …is not a practicing member of the Bar Association, …is weak, …has no white-endorsed credibility, …can’t pass our “is he smarter than a Cliven Bundy” litmus test …is not this, …is not that, whatever whatever, yadda yadda, awketty-bawk-squawk, and whoot-diddy-whoot.

If it isn’t one excuse with them, it’s another.

This is all the stuff they specialize in when it comes to their attempts to make Black graduates of President Obama’s caliber, and even non-graduates of any caliber whatsoever, uphold standards and rules and restrictions that they themselves typically do not uphold.

“I can have this job without a degree, but YOU can’t.”

“I can get this promotion without having to work for it, but YOU can’t.”

“I can do this without complying with those stipulations, but YOU can’t.”

“I can break the law, but YOU can’t.”

“I can kill a Black person for no or any reason whatsoever and be justified in doing so because they were Black; but if you kill a white person for any reason whatsoever—even if they tried to kill you first, it’s against the law and you will be punished accordingly.”

Why? “Because I’m white, and you’re not.”

That’s the only answer they have for it even if they never directly say it. Anything else they say with regard to this matter is totally moot, history and this present history has shown it up for exactly what it is.

The Race Card says, applied inside the fence, that nobody with white skin is subject to the applicable laws, or they can change the laws to suit whatever advantages they want or need in the moment.

The Race Card applied on this side of the fence says “You must obey the law, even if we have to delay you long enough to change it to suit our purposes so that you lose.”

The one MAJOR flaw in the law is: Black people are never ever supposed to win. If they do, the next “race card” that will be tossed on the table is “that’s a fluke in the system that we have to fix.” WE?

Who the hell is WE? WE who? WE the People? You know who “we” is. Don’t mind-boink yourself on this one, please.

Here’s the other kicker on the Race Card: Black America has it pulled on them so much that they just turn around and start using it on one another. Pyschological intra-racism, Black KKK-style. The REAL “race card” is a Willie Lynch divide & conquer tactic that has all kinds of uses and general applications, so many that we can’t keep up with them any more.

Though the common household use of divide and conquer is for political purposes, something that Lee Atwater perfected back in the 1970s and 1980s with Nixon and then Reagan, it also has less apparent and more preconceived uses and applications in other areas as well.

The bottom line is that they leverage white fear of Black people to do these “Willie Horton” stealth back-assward launch attacks to win for the GOP and all of their electorate, and even to scare Black people into voting Republican. And it works exceptionally well, every time.


The Race Baiters and Tea Baggers have perfected and developed this systemic racism so much so that the “wolf of wall street” wizardry has blinded even the most deceived white person willing to believe that anything they say about a Black person is true. It can be an outright lie with no historical facts or anything else to document it, with no silver or gold to back it, and it is still inarguably resolutely right BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE.

Black people have been jailed and imprisoned, and even statutorily lynched and murdered on racial innuendos alone, even in the absence of evidence, or with all evidence showing to the contrary.

The unintended consequence of the histrionic “boy who cried wolf” use of the Race Card is that what went around has to come back around again. The chickens not only come home to roost, they come home to die.

Newt Gingrich’s (R.Ga) final fatal political history should say more than it needs to about these matters. The fact that Lee Atwater himself, the original engineer of political non-death lynchings, (look him up on Netflix when you get a chance) ended up on his face and knees crying out to God for his sins at the end of his life should say MORE than it needs to. We’ve seen the switch flipped all too often, as if by some unseen hand of justice – that “magic Negro in the sky” or something like that; and it does appear that Barack Obama was a final warning to the world about the errors of their ways when it comes to Black people.


White Jesus beats the shyt out of the moneychangers who dared disturb The Temple of God.


[“Be not deceived, for God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7]

Black people were here 200,000 years before white people, they will be here when those who hate them are long dead and buried six feet under in a grave, and descending.

We, as a race of People, aren’t going anywhere off this planet, everand by all historical and scientific evidence presenting, appearing, and re-appearing… will still be here even if it so happens that all white-skinned peoples up and disappear forever. This, too, is By Design.

FYI: If you ever hear the words “Obamacare for_______” (Fill in the Blank with Whatever) within the social media airwaves, and it has nothing to do with the Healthcare Reform Act (ACA), it means “that nigger’s trying to take over white America” with every move he makes and every breath he takes, no matter that he has his tongue up their white asses as he does it.

Talk about a “Race Card lynching.” Whew.




The Ass in the Lion's Skin
 An Ass once found a Lion's skin which the hunters had left out
in the sun to dry.  He put it on and went towards his native
village.  All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he
was a proud Ass that day.  In his delight he lifted up his voice
and brayed, but then every one knew him, and his owner came up and
gave him a sound cudgelling for the fright he had caused.  And
shortly afterwards a Fox came up to him and said: "Ah, I knew you
by your voice."

Fine clothes may disguise, but 	silly words will disclose a fool.

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1 Comment

  1. Prince Dixon

    Sufficiently said ?


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