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WAIT, DIDN’T HE RUN? Carson Says He Has “No Government Experience” And Turns Down High Profile Trump Cabinet Role! | Urban Intellectuals

WAIT, DIDN’T HE RUN? Carson Says He Has “No Government Experience” And Turns Down High Profile Trump Cabinet Role!

by | Nov 16, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

This guy, Ben Carson, was running for President, he quite his run in March but it was a serious stab at getting on the Republican ballot! Now, it’s being reported that Donald Trump offered him a leading position, the role of secretary of health and human services, and he turned it down because he has “no government experience”! WHY THE F*CK DID HE EVER THINK HE COULD RUN THEN!

Was he just wasting time, money and energy, other people’s. not his? Ws he going to get to the White House and say “sorry guys, I can’t do this” and back out? What was the point of it all?

Carson’s friend and business manager Armstrong Williams spoke with The Hill and said

“Dr Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency,”

“The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”

Talking with The Washington Post Carson said:

“The way I’m leaning is to work from the outside and not from the inside.

“I want to have the freedom to work on many issues and not be pigeonholed into one particular area.”

He has said he may reconsider if Trump really needs him!

Do you think he is just making crap up? Does he just not want to work with Trump? Was he leading people along for personal gain all along? What a mess!!!!


Ben Carson becomes aggravated in Katty Kay interview

He said he would be tempted to reconsider his stance if Mr Trump “absolutely needed him”, but he added: “Having me as a federal bureaucrat would be like a fish out of water, quite frankly.”

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