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Video: White Councilmen Circulate Picture of Black Councilwoman’s Vagina and D.A. Makes it the Victim’s Fault | Urban Intellectuals

Video: White Councilmen Circulate Picture of Black Councilwoman’s Vagina and D.A. Makes it the Victim’s Fault

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

Could you image finding a picture of your vagina circulating on social media that you didn’t even know existed? Let me answer that for you, No, no you couldn’t.

Well this is Debbie Johnson’s reality. Johnson is a member of the City Council in Port Wentworth, Georgia. During one of her monthly meetings, Johnson was sitting at a table with her legs open. She was not wearing any underwear and Ernie Stanhope, a man who is clearly over 50 (too damn old not to know better) thought he should take a picture of her vagina. Not only did Stanhope think it was a good idea to take a picture of her vagina, he also thought it was a good idea to share the picture with other men on the council.

“She was just sittin’ there with her legs wide open. It was a joke to show how she was sittin’, that’s all,” Stanhope said in a police interview. You know, no big deal. He shared the photo of Ms. Johnson’s vagina with the Mayor, Glenn “Pig” Jones as well as the city attorney, Eric Gotwalt. The attorney and mayor lack the common decency and good judgement to prevent further circulation of the photo and actually got a good laugh out of it.

Which is when the photo fell into the possession Eric Steely, a political foe, who posted the picture to Facebook with degrading and false statements. Once the picture was posted to Facebook and view by millions this turned into a criminal investigation. A criminal investigation which went absolutely nowhere because the white female district attorney turned the table on Johnson and made the incident her fault.

In a statement Johnson gave, she said she was wearing underwear when the picture was taken, when in actuality she was not in the photo. And because she said she was not wearing panties in a photo that had been taken over 10 months ago without her knowledge, District attorney Meg Heap refused to prosecute.

Well you know 70 year-old boys will be boys, right? Johnson’s attorney, Will Claiborne, said, “It’s a violation of her federal civil rights, a violation of her rights under the Georgia constitution to be able to serve in an elected office and not be subject to this abuse and it’s criminal defamation under the code as well.”

To add insult to injury, Steele, the man who posted the picture to Facebook said in a police interview that she must have wanted someone to see, otherwise why would she have her legs open? She had her legs open because her damn crotch was hot! Not so you and the good ole’ boys could be perverts.

You can help demand justice for Debbie Johnson by calling 912-964-4379 and demand the removal of city attorney Eric Gotwalt and his firm who hid criminal acts instead of representing Debbie. Demand the resignation of Mayor Pig Jones who initially protected his cronies instead of cooperating immediately. Contact D.A. Meg Heap 912-652-7328, [email protected] and ask her what she would do if a group men violated her, would she prosecute them?

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