VIDEO: Van Jones Slams Trump’s ‘Lack Of Patriotism’

by | Oct 20, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Van Jones speaks his mind and he seems like he has just about had enough of Donald Trumps moaning. Of course, that in itself isn’t news, it’s just about all of us (apart from Ice T who seems to be on another planet supporting that absolute mess of a man!).

After Trump saying he may not accept the election outcome (if he loses) in last nights debate Van Jones had some harsh words.

“You know, this is a really sad night.”

“The appalling lack of patriotism from this man, to stand there and say that, to praise Putin and Assad more than he’s ever praised any American president,”

“This man has demonstrating an appalling lack of patriotism.”

See Van lay it out below:

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