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(VIDEO) Trump Responds “I Don’t Know” Repeatedly In Response To “Why Should Americans Trust You” Question! | Urban Intellectuals

(VIDEO) Trump Responds “I Don’t Know” Repeatedly In Response To “Why Should Americans Trust You” Question!

by | Feb 17, 2017 | Funny, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump was probably stomping around the office last night after being belitted by an NBC reporter and had to repeat “I Don’t Know” several times!

Trump boasted about his electoral college win, tet again! In last night’s press conference where he blasted the media for reporting “fake news” over Russia.

The thing is, Trump’s boast was bogus! He claimed that his electoral college win was the largest margin since Ronald Reagan’s!

So when it came to press questions NBC News reporter Peter Alexander went after Trump and showed him up for what he is!

Alexander asked the President:

“Why should Americans trust you,”

Trying to damage control the Pres insisted he was talking about Republican presidents and fumbled that the information was given to him before admitting:

“I don’t know,”

Alexander pressed on:

“Why should Americans trust you when you accuse the information they receive as being fake when you’re providing information that’s fake?”

“I don’t know,” Trump repeated, “I was given that information.”

Watch below…. It’s unravelling we can only hope!

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