Van Jones To Trump There’s No Credit ‘For Most Improved Bigot’

by | Sep 28, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

A lot of talk circulated prior to the first Presidential debate of 2016 regarding the improvements that Trump was going to make to himself, his campaign and his rhetoric.

Although we should applaud improvement in people, this is politics and it’s important to realise that he shouldn’t get attention for being less of an idiot, less of a racist, a sexist, a bigot.


And CNN correspondent Van Jones was smart in pointing this out in pre-debate comments.

He said

“I think it’s very important that we don’t lower the standard. He can’t just get credit for being the most improved bigot… the most improved hate monger, the best self-moderating hate monger. He’s got to answer questions. This is the most difficult period for America internally and externally ― and he’s got to meet a high bar, not a low bar.

Watch his comments below:


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